Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Nehemiah >  Exposition >  II. THE RESTORATION OF THE JEWS chs. 8--13 >  D. The Reforms Instituted by Nehemiah ch. 13 > 
3. The revival of tithing 13:10-14 
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Because the people had failed to bring their tithes to the temple the Levites had to abandon their service in the temple to provide for their own physical needs. This failure may have resulted in rooms standing vacant for Tobiah to occupy as well. In response to Nehemiah's reprimands, and Malachi's preaching, the people began to tithe again (cf. Mal. 3:8-10)

Thus far all of Nehemiah's reforms, following his return to Jerusalem, involved temple service. Verse 14 records his prayer in view of these reforms (cf. 5:19).

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