Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Job >  Exposition >  II. THE DIALOGUE CONCERNING THE BASIS OF THE DIVINE-HUMAN RELATIONSHIP 3:1--42:6 >  B. The First Cycle of Speeches between Job and His Three Friends chs. 4-14 >  2. Job's first reply to Eliphaz chs. 6-7 > 
Job's miserable suffering 7:1-6 
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"The rest of Job's speech is more like a soliloquy which turns into a remonstration against God Himself. His theme is once more the hard servicethat men have upon earth."47

In this complaint (cf. ch. 3; 6:8-13) Job compared himself to a slave or hired servant and concluded that he was in a worse condition. In verse 6 one Hebrew word occurs twice and reads first "shuttle"and then "hope."Job had run out of hope as a weaver's shuttle runs out of thread.

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