This is another prayer of David that arose out of opposition by enemies (cf. Pss. 3, 4), as is clear from the content.
David cried out to God to listen to his prayer that arose out of great concern. His references to praying in the morning show the earnestness of his petition and his felt need for God's help. The first thing David did when he awoke was to pray to God because he sensed his need for God's assistance very keenly.
5:4-6 David was aware that the One whom he petitioned was absolutely upright. Consequently those who are boastful and presumptuous cannot count on standing before Him and finding favor in His eyes. God hates and destroys liars, deceivers, and murderers.
5:7 David did not claim a right to stand before God and to present his petitions on the basis of his own righteousness. He believed God would be merciful to him because God had made promises to bless David and his house (2 Sam. 7). The king believed God would be loyal to His servant. "Lovingkindness"(NASB) or "mercy"(NIV) really means "loyal love"(Heb. hesed). The house and temple in view refer to the tabernacle David had pitched in Jerusalem for the ark (2 Sam. 6:17; cf. 1 Sam. 1:7, 9). Rather than behaving arrogantly like the wicked, David prostrated himself before the Lord in worship. This posture expressed an attitude of humility and vulnerability in God's presence.
5:8 Essentially what David asked for was guidance in the righteous path God trod; he did not want to walk in the way of the wicked (vv. 4-6; cf. Ps. 1). He wanted to see the righteous way to live clearly so he would not wander from it. Departure from it was a possibility because of the influence of the wicked.
5:9 David mentioned a few of the sins of the wicked. They were untrustworthy in their speech. They determined to destroy rather than to edify. Their words led to death, and they were deceitful flatterers (cf. Rom. 3:13).
5:10 The king asked God to hold the wicked guilty rather than let them escape the consequences of their sins. He asked that they be snared in their own traps, and that they be thrust out, probably from their positions of influence and even ultimately from God's presence. This was a legitimate request because they had rebelled against the King in heaven in behaving contrary to His will.
5:11-12 On the other hand those who love God can count on His blessing and protection. They will respond to His care with joyful singing in praise of Him.31"Thy name,"an expression found over 100 times in the Psalter, refers to the character and attributes of God as He has revealed these to human beings.
God's people should seek God's help in prayer diligently so we may perceive and walk in God's ways of righteousness. When we do so walk, we will experience His joy, protection, and fellowship rather than sharing the fate of the wicked.32