Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  I. Book 1 chs 1--41 > 
Psalm 33 
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This psalm calls the godly to praise God for His dependable Word and His righteous works. The psalmist also assured the readers that He will be faithful to those who trust in Him.

"If the purest form of a hymn is praise to God for what He is and does, this is a fine example. The body of the psalm is occupied with the Lord as Creator, Sovereign, Judge and Saviour, while the beginning and end express two elements of worship: an offering of praise, doing honour to so great a King, and a declaration of trust, made in humble expectation."83

The Hebrew text does not identify the writer of this psalm though the Septuagint translators believed he was David. Perhaps they concluded this because other psalms that David composed surround this one (cf. Ps. 72:20). The occasion of writing appears to have been a national victory.

 1. A call to praise the Lord skillfully 33:1-3
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The psalmist appealed to the righteous to praise God because it is proper to do so in view of who He is and what He has done. Furthermore we should praise Him in a manner suitable to His greatness, with beautiful musical accompaniment. Moreover our praise should be fresh and skillful, not hackneyed and sloppy. God is worthy of the best in expressions of praise as well as in all we do for Him.

 2. Reasons to praise the Lord 33:4-19
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33:4-5 The two qualities of God that the writer stressed in this second section of the psalm are that Yahweh is dependable and righteous. We can rely on everything He says and does, and He does what is right in loyal love for His people.

33:6-11 These verses expand the idea that God is reliable (v.4).

Verses 6-7 describe creation as coming into existence by the word of God.

Verses 8-9 draw a conclusion from these facts, namely that since by His word God created the world everyone should reverence Him.

Verses 10-11 depict God's word as determining what has happened in history since the creation. What the Lord says takes place regardless of the plans of people and nations. His works prevail.

33:12-19 This section expounds the thought of the Lord's righteousness and loyal love (v. 5).

The psalmist rejoiced that he and his nation were the elect of God and the recipients of His covenant faithfulness (v. 12).

Some people do not experience more divine blessing than others because God is more aware of some people than He is of others (vv. 13-15). He is equally aware of everyone. He does not grant victory to some armies more than to others because one army is stronger than another (vv. 16-17). God chooses to bless those who fear Him and rely on His promised love (vv. 18-19).

 3. A fresh commitment to trust in the Lord 33:20-22
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The psalmist saw the faith of God's elect in three activities in this section.

33:20 The righteous wait for God to deliver them and regard Him as their help and protector.

33:21 They rejoice in Him because they have confidence in His holy character.

33:22 They also pray to Him asking that He will reward their confidence with faithfulness to His commitment to love them.

God's people can rejoice that our God is faithful to His commitment to continue to love us. His words have proved powerful and faithful throughout history, and His works are consistently righteous and just. Therefore we can continue to trust Him.84

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