Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  I. Book 1 chs 1--41 >  Psalm 35 > 
2. A lament over unjust opposition 35:11-18 
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In the first section of the psalm the emphasis is on petition, but in this one it is on lament.

35:11-12 The psalmist's malicious enemies were repaying him evil for the good he had done them. They were evidently also charging him falsely.

35:13-14 When they were sick David prayed for their recovery and mourned over their condition. He even fasted, which shows the extent to which he sacrificed so they would recover.

35:15-16 Conversely when David experienced trouble rather than showing concern for him they mocked and really made his condition worse.

35:17-18 David called on God to stop waiting and to act for him. When He would, David would give Him public praise.

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