Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  I. Book 1 chs 1--41 > 
Psalm 36 
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This psalm contains an oracle David received from the Lord concerning the wicked. In contrast to them, he rejoiced in the loyal love and righteousness of God.

"This is a psalm of powerful contrasts, a glimpse of human wickedness at its most malevolent, and divine goodness in its many-sided fullness. Meanwhile the singer is menaced by the one and assured of victory by the other. Few psalms cover so great a range in so short a space."90

 1. Revelation concerning the wicked 36:1-4
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36:1 The NIV translation, "An oracle is within my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked,"is preferable. An oracle is a message from God. The Lord had given His prophet special revelation concerning the way the wicked look at life and how they live. They do not dread (Heb. pahad, rather than yirah, the usual word for "fear") the Lord. That is, they feel no uneasiness as they should since God will judge them for their sins. This is the climactic characteristic of sin in Romans 3:18.

36:2-4 Without this dread of the Lord the wicked boldly pursues evil continually. He silences his conscience and goes on speaking deceptively and acting vainly without any inner restraint.

 2. Reflection concerning the Lord 36:5-9
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36:5-6 David delighted in meditating on God's attributes rather than disregarding Him. Instead of pushing God out of his world view the psalmist made Him the center of it. He gloried in God's loyal love, faithfulness, righteousness, and justice.

36:7-9 The result of this philosophy of life contrasts with that of the wicked (vv. 2-4). Because God is lovingly loyal, His people can find refuge in Him (cf. Ruth 2:12; Matt. 23:37). They also enjoy the provisions of His house. They experience a virtual paradise on earth as Adam and Eve did in Eden before the Fall. God provides life and the light of understanding for those who take Him into account.

 3. Request concerning the future 36:10-12
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David prayed in closing that God's loyal love and righteousness would continue to captivate his affections so that the evil philosophy of the wicked would not win his heart. He wanted to abide in humble submission to the Lord rather than rising up in pride and disregarding Him. The ultimate end of the wicked would be destruction from which they could not recover.

We may contemplate the two philosophies of life espoused by the wicked and the godfearing as well as their consequences. The godly should appreciate the superiority of recognizing God and living in the light of his revealed character. Nevertheless we should realize that the wicked person's viewpoint is attractive, and we should guard against slipping into it.

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