Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  I. Book 1 chs 1--41 > 
Psalm 37 
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This psalm advances the thought of Psalm 36. Here David urged the righteous not to let the prosperity of the wicked upset them but to continue to trust in God's justice. Similar encouragements characterize Psalms 49 and 73. Here the psalmist used several proverbial expressions to convey his exhortation.

 1. A call to continuing trust 37:1-8
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37:1-2 The righteous should not envy those who practice evil nor fret because they prosper. Their success will be only temporary. Even though they may prosper all their lives their success is brief in the light of eternity.

37:3-4 Positively we should center our lives on God. We should continue to trust in the Lord to do what is right and persist in doing right ourselves. For the Israelite this meant staying in the Promised Land rather than leaving it for greener pastures elsewhere.

Those who take delight in the Lord will receive their hearts' desires. The righteous who delight in the Lord will want to see His will done, and that will happen eventually for them.

37:5-7a Committing one's way to the Lord means submitting one's life and its daily events to the will of God. If we do this, we will experience what He wants for us. Eventually God will reward our righteousness and show that our confidence was wise.

"An obsession with enemies and rivals cannot be simply switched off, but it can be ousted by a new focus of attention . . . It includes a deliberate redirection of one's emotions (4a, take delight; cf. Paul and Silas in prison, singing as well as praying), and an entrusting of one's career (your way, 5) and reputation (your vindication, 6) to Him."91

37:7b-8 David concluded this opening section of the psalm by returning to the idea with which he began. The righteous should not allow the success of wicked people to distract us to the point where we depart from God's will.

 2. The assurance of just punishment 37:9-22
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37:9-11 Perhaps the wicked were grabbing land that did not belong to them. David assured the people that the wicked would not succeed long. Those who submitted to God's authority would eventually possess the land He had promised them (cf. Matt. 5:5). The meek are those who choose the way of patient faith rather than self-assertion, as the preceding verses make clear.

37:12-22 The psalmist proceeded to give a basis for confidence in the assurance he had just given in verses 9-11. Five contrasts provide this security. The Lord, whose strength far exceeds that of the wicked, opposes them (vv. 12-13). The evil that the wicked do will come back on themselves (vv. 14-15). The Lord will sustain the righteous (vv. 16-17). The righteous are the special objects of God's careful attention (vv. 18-20). Finally, God will reward the unselfishness of the righteous but punish the selfishness of the wicked (vv. 21-22).

 3. The assurance of God's care for the just 37:23-31
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37:23-24 The Lord delights in how a good person lives, and He blesses his or her activities. Even though he may stumble as he goes through life, he will not experience a fatal fall from which he cannot rise.

37:25-26 God is faithful to His promises to provide for His faithful followers. David could testify that he had never seen the Lord forsake the righteous nor had he observed any of their descendents unable to get food. God promised the Israelites that He would bless the descendents of those who obeyed Him (Deut. 7:9).

It is possible to account for the fact that some believers appear to have starved to death. They may not have followed the Lord faithfully, or they may have been part of a larger group that did not follow Him faithfully and was under His judgment (cf. v. 4). David did not say the righteous never starve to death, only that he had never seen any that did.

37:27-29 The Lord loves justice and does not forsake the godly. He preserves them but cuts off the wicked.

37:30-31 The righteous live in the light of God's law and so advocate wisdom and justice. This trait brings stability to their lives.

 4. The conflict between the wicked and the righteous 37:32-40
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37:32-34 The wicked really tries to overcome God when he sets himself against the righteous. The wicked will inevitably fail because God's power is much greater than his own. Consequently the righteous only needs to wait for God to act for him.

37:35-36 David again gave a personal testimony this time of a very prosperous wicked person's destruction (cf. v. 25).

37:37-38 The posterity of the righteous will remain but that of the wicked will pass away. David said we can count on that. Good people leave blessings behind them, but evil individuals leave nothing of value.

37:39-40 In conclusion, David focused again on the Lord. He is the salvation of those who take refuge in Him. He is their strength, help, and deliverer. Therefore the righteous should continue to trust in Him even when the wicked prosper and oppose them.

God's people should not stop trusting in the Lord because the wicked prosper temporarily nor should we despair when they seem to prevail against us. Rather we should continue to trust in the Lord, take refuge in Him, and rely on His faithfulness to His promises. Reviewing His past faithfulness will enable us to do this.

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