Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  I. Book 1 chs 1--41 > 
Psalm 39 
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David seems to have composed this psalm during a prolonged illness that almost proved fatal (cf. Job). He petitioned God to extend his days rather than continue the chastening. This psalm is quite similar to the preceding one, but in this one David did not mention opposition from his enemies.

Jeduthun, mentioned in the title, was one of David's chief musicians (1 Chron. 16:41). Perhaps David wrote the psalm for Jeduthun to perform or lead, or for the group of musicians under his direction.

 1. The brevity of life 39:1-6
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39:1-3 David harbored some strong feelings that he refrained from expressing publicly. As a fire within him they burned to come out, but he held them in fearing that he might regret his words. His feelings arose out of his discipline at God's hand (v. 9).

39:4-6 Finally David found relief in expressing his frustration to God. He prayed that God would allow him to appreciate the brevity of human life (cf. 90:10, 12). Evidently David was an old man at this time. His life seemed very short looking back on it. People measured short distances with handbreadths in David's time (v. 5). The pursuits of life are relatively insignificant in view of the short time we live.

 2. The importance of faith in God 39:7-13
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39:7 The psalmist cast himself on the Lord trusting Him to make the rest of his life enjoyable.

39:8-9 David's suffering was due to God's chastening. Perhaps he had sinned with his mouth and therefore felt compelled to guard his speech closely (cf. vv. 1-2).

39:10-11 Relief was necessary. David spoke as though he felt God was chewing up his life as a moth eats a garment. The long duration of his affliction made him feel the brevity of life. God was disciplining him (cf. Heb. 12:5-11).

39:12-13 In closing David asked God to remove His chastening, whatever it was, so he could enjoy his final years of life.

The brevity of life impresses one increasingly as he or she grows older. We are more conscious of this in times of sorrow than in happy times. It is natural for a believer to want God to teach him or her to live wisely and to be patient with our sinfulness in view of life's shortness.

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