Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  I. Book 3: chs 73--89 > 
Psalm 75 
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This psalm anticipates a victory in Israel when God as Judge would destroy the wicked and establish the righteous.

 1. God's appointment of judgment 75:1-3
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Asaph gave thanks to God for Israel because God was near His people and had performed wondrous works (v. 1).

He then put words in God's mouth appropriate in view of earlier revelation. God judges when He decides the time is right. Furthermore He judges fairly. His judgment can devastate the world, but He sustains it nevertheless.

 2. God's character as Judge 75:4-8
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75:4-6 These verses call the wicked to repent. They should stop boasting and acting proudly as an animal does that defiantly wields its horn against a foe. The wicked refuse to bow before God as an ox tossing its neck refuses the yoke. No help from any direction will deliver the ungodly when God judges him.

75:7-8 As Judge, God forces His enemies to drink from the cup that determines consequences. He forces them to drink all the wine of judgment that He has prepared for them. They cannot escape doing so or the consequences of doing so at His appointed time. In some ancient Near Eastern nations kings made convicted criminals drink poisoned wine.

 3. God's glory for judging 75:9-10
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Asaph concluded by praising God publicly and in song for judging His enemies. The horns symbolize strength, and they picture animals. Israel's enemies would lose their strength, but God's people would grow stronger. God may be speaking again in verse 10.

This inspiring psalm pictures Yahweh in His role as Judge of all the earth. Its perspective is toward that day when He will act in justice for His people. This day will inevitably come, and we need to keep it in view since God waits to judge. The Judge of all the earth will do justly (Gen. 18:25).

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