Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  I. Book 3: chs 73--89 > 
Psalm 85 
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An anonymous psalmist thanked God for forgiving and restoring His sinning people. He prayed that God would remove His wrath from them and expressed confidence in the nation's future.

 1. Thanksgiving and petition 85:1-7
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85:1-3 The writer began by thanking God for delivering His people. The reference to restoration from captivity (v. 1) suggests that this psalm may date to the return from Babylonian exile. However the psalmist may have been referring to a more modest captivity perhaps at the hand of a neighbor nation. In any case he viewed Israel's former enslavement as the result of her sin and thanked God for pardoning that.

85:4-7 Even though Israel was free she still needed spiritual restoration and revival. Because of this condition the psalmist petitioned God to put away all of His anger against His sinning people (cf. Isa. 28:21; Ezek. 18:32). They needed his loyal love (Heb. hesed) and His deliverance. They would rejoice when He provided these benefits fully.

 2. Trust and confidence 85:8-13
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85:8-9 As the psalmist waited for God to respond he was confident the Lord would send peace (Heb. shalom, the fullness of divine blessing). It was important, however, that in the meantime His people not return to their former sins. The basis of his confidence was the Lord's promised deliverance of those who fear Him. The idea behind glory dwelling in the land is that God would again manifest His presence there through blessing the Israelites.

85:10-13 Lovingkindness (i.e., loyal love) and righteousness are what God provides. Truth and peace are what the objects of His blessing experience. They unite when God's people return to Him and He responds with blessing. Productive harvests are a blessing God promised His people if they walked in obedience to His covenant (Deut. 28).

This psalm is full of very important terms: righteousness, peace, loyal love, truth, fear, glory, and salvation to name a few. When people get right with God in the fundamental areas of life His choicest blessings are not far behind. However, we have to wait for Him to provide blessing after repentance as God patiently waits before bringing judgment for sin.

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