Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  IV. Book 4: chs. 90--106 > 
Psalm 105 
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This psalm praises God for His faithful dealings with Israel. it reviews Israel's history from Abraham to the wilderness wanderings.

 1. Praise for God's greatness 105:1-6
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The unknown psalmist called Israel (v. 6) to give thanks to the Lord in prayer and to broadcast His deeds publicly. The people should sing His praises and take pride and joy in His character. They should also draw near to Him in prayer seeking His help constantly. They should remember His works that inspire wonder and marvel in the beholder and the wise judgments that He has revealed.

 2. The record of God's faithfulness to Israel 105:7-41
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105:7-11 God remembered His people (v. 7, cf. v. 42) so His people should remember Him (v. 5). God had been faithful to the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen. 12:1-3, 7; 15:18-21; 22:15-18; 28:13-15). He made this covenant with Abraham's descendents as well as with him personally. A "thousand generations"means innumerable generations (cf. Exod. 20:5-6). Note that the psalmist called this covenant an "everlasting covenant"(v. 10). That is, it would abide in effect as long at the earth abides. Of the three promises in the covenant the writer mentioned only the land promise here.

105:12-41 Verses 12-15 describe God's care of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (cf. Gen. 12-36). Verses 16-23 summarize God's preservation of the chosen family through Joseph's protection (Gen. 37-50). Verse 24 refers to God's increase of the Israelites during their Egyptian sojourn (Exod. 1). Verses 25-36 review how the Lord prepared His people to depart from Egypt with emphasis on the plagues He sent (Exod. 2-12). Verses 37-38 describe the Exodus itself (Exod. 13). Verses 39-41 recount His faithful care of them in the wilderness (Exod. 14--Deut. 34).

 3. Praise for God's faithfulness 105:42-45
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Again the psalmist reminded the reader of God's remembering His unique promise to Abraham (cf. v. 8). The Lord brought Abraham's descendents into the Promised Land and dispossessed the Canaanite tribes. He even gave them food that the Canaanites had planted and cultivated. He did all this so the Israelites would obey His will for them and experience all the good things He had in store for them. The psalm closes with a final call to praise the Lord ("hallelujah").

A key word in this psalm is "remember"(vv. 5, 8, 42). By remembering how faithful God had been in remembering His promise to their patriarch, the Israelites would remember to praise Him. God's people profit from reviewing history because it reminds us of God's faithfulness. This reminder encourages us to trust His promises to us. We see that He has been consistently faithful to His word throughout history.

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