Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  V. Book 5: chs. 107--150 > 
Psalm 112 
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This is also an acrostic psalm. It focuses attention on the blessings those who fear God enjoy, especially their final exaltation.

 1. The blessed condition of those who fear Yahweh 112:1
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This anonymous psalm begins with "Hallelujah"as do the ones immediately preceding and following it. Then the writer stated the main idea he wanted to communicate.

 2. The blessings the righteous enjoy 112:2-9
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There are five blessings that normally come to the righteous. First, the righteous person receives physical and material prosperity (vv. 2-3). Second, he obtains light in his darkness (v. 4). Third, goodness comes to him for his generosity and justice (v. 5). Fourth, he enjoys stability and confidence (vv. 6-8). Fifth, he gets strength and honor from the Lord because he gives to the poor (v. 9).

 3. The anxiety the wicked experience 112:10
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God's goodness to the righteous fills the wicked with anxiety. Finally they perish.

God's people need to remember God's blessings to them and give God praise for these things so they do not envy the wicked whose lot is much worse.

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