Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  V. Book 5: chs. 107--150 > 
Psalm 119 
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The anonymous psalmist who wrote this longest psalm sought refuge from his persecutors and found strength by meditating on the Word of God. He used 10 synonyms to refer to it. This psalm, the longest chapter in the Bible, is largely a collection or anthology of prayers and thoughts about God's Word.

"The author of Psalm 119 exemplifies an attitude toward the Mosaic law which was the ideal for all Israel (cf. also 19:7-11)."196

This is one of the acrostic psalms. In each strophe of eight verses, each verse begins with the same letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In verses 1-8 each line begins with the first Hebrew letter, in verses 9-16 each line begins with the second Hebrew letter, and so on. In many English versions the translators have transliterated the Hebrew letter that begins each line in the strophe at the beginning of that strophe.

"Even the literary qualities of the 119th Psalm contribute to the development of its major theme--the Word of God in the child of God."197

 1. The blessing of obeying God's Word 119:1-8
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The writer rejoiced in the fact that people who obey God's Word wholeheartedly enjoy His blessing (vv. 1-3). Consequently he wanted to be more consistently obedient himself (vv. 4-6). He promised to be more thankful as he continued to learn more about God's Word (vv. 7-8).

This psalm contains a reference to God's Word in almost every verse (except verses 84, 121 and 122). The psalmist used 10 synonyms for the Word of God each of which conveys a slightly different emphasis.

"Way"and "ways"(Heb. derek) describes the pattern of life God's revelation marks out. It occurs 13 times in the psalm (vv. 1, 3, 5, 14, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 59, 168).

The most frequently used term is "law"(Heb. torah, lit. teaching) that occurs 25 times (vv. 1, 18, 29, 34, 44, 51, 53, 55, 61, 70, 72, 77, 85, 92, 97, 109, 113, 126, 136, 142, 150, 153, 163, 165, 174). It denotes direction or instruction and usually refers to a body of teaching such as the Pentateuch or the Book of Deuteronomy. Jesus used this term to describe the whole Old Testament (John 10:34).

The word "testimony"(Heb. edah) occurs 23 times, all but one time in the plural (vv. 2, 14, 22, 24, 31, 36, 46, 59, 79, 88 [sing.], 95, 99,111, 119, 125, 129, 138, 144, 146, 152, 157, 167, 168). It refers to the ordinances that became God's standard of conduct. It's particular shade of meaning is the solemnity of what God has spoken as His will. The English translations sometimes have "decrees"for this Hebrew word.

"Precepts"(Heb. piqqudim), a synonym for injunctions that occurs only in the psalms in the Old Testament, appears 21 times in this psalm (vv. 4, 15, 27, 40, 45, 56, 63, 69, 78, 87, 93, 94, 100, 104, 110, 128, 134, 141, 159, 168, 173). It always occurs in the plural.

Another common synonym in this psalm is "statutes"(Heb. huqqim, lit. things inscribed). It refers to enacted laws. The translators have sometimes rendered the Hebrew word "decrees."It occurs 21 times (vv. 5, 8, 12, 23, 26, 33, 48, 54, 64, 68, 71, 80, 83, 112, 117, 118, 124, 135, 145, 155, 171).

"Commandments"(Heb. miswah) denotes a definite authoritative command. The writer used this word 22 times in Psalm 119 usually in the plural but once as a collective singular (vv. 6, 10, 19, 21, 32, 35, 47, 48, 60, 66, 73, 86, 96 [sing.], 98, 115, 127, 131, 143, 151, 166, 172, 176).

"Judgment"(Heb. mishpot) refers to a judicial decision that establishes precedent and constitutes binding law. Often the English translators rendered this Hebrew word "laws."It sometimes means God's acts of judgment on the wicked. In this psalm it occurs 19 times in the plural and four times in the singular (vv. 7, 13, 20, 30, 39, 43, 52, 62, 75, 84 [sing.], 91, 102, 106, 108, 120, 121 [sing.], 132 [sing.], 137, 149 [sing.], 156, 160, 164, 175).

The psalmist also identified many different responses he made to God's Word. One of these was keeping or obeying it (vv. 4, 5, 8, 17, 34, 44, 56, 57, 60, 67, 88, 100, 101, 129, 134, 136, 145, 158, 167, 168).

"This untiring emphasis has led some to accuse the psalmist of worshipping the Word rather than the Lord; but it has been well remarked that every reference here to Scripture, without exception, relates it explicitly to its Author; indeed every verse from 4 to the end is a prayer or affirmation addressed to Him. This is true piety; a love of God not desiccated by study but refreshed, informed and nourished by it."198

As you read this psalm, note also the consequences of obeying God's Word that the writer enumerated. These include being unashamed (v. 6) and giving thanks (v. 7).

 2. The cleansing power of God's Word 119:9-16
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A person can cleanse his or her conduct by obeying the Word of God (v. 9). The writer testified that he had internalized and delighted in God's Word to maintain moral purity (vv. 10-14). He made it a practice to think about God's revelation continually (vv. 15-16).

The word "path"(Heb. orah) is a synonym for "way."It occurs five times in this psalm (vv. 9, 15, 101, 104, 128).

Another important synonym for God's law is "word"(Heb. dabar) that I have found 23 times (vv. 9, 16, 17, 25, 28, 42, 43, 49, 57, 65, 74, 81, 89, 101, 105, 107, 114, 130, 139, 147, 160, 161, 169). It is a general term for God's revelation that proceeds from His mouth.

A poetical synonym for "word"is "saying"(Heb. imrah) that the translators have sometimes rendered "promise."It occurs 19 times (vv. 11, 38, 41, 50, 58, 67, 76, 82, 103, 116, 123, 133, 140, 148, 154, 158, 162, 170, 172).

Other responses to God's Word that the writer mentioned and that occur first in this section are rejoicing (vv. 14, 74, 162), meditating (vv. 15, 23, 27, 48, 78, 97, 99, 148), and delighting (vv. 16, 24, 35, 47, 70, 77, 92, 143, 174).

 3. An appreciation for God's Word 119:17-24
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The psalmists prayer for God to illuminate his understanding concerning His Word is one all God's people need to pray (vv. 17-18). Verses 19 and 20 reflect the writer's great appetite for the Word. In contrast to the wicked whom the psalmist asked God to remove, he delighted in God's Word (vv. 21-24). The wicked who oppress those who love the Scriptures come into view quite often in this psalm (vv. 23, 53, 61, 69, 70, 78, 85, 86, 87, 95, 110, 115, 119, 122, 134, 155, 157, 158, 161).

One of the writer's favorite titles for himself in this psalm was God's "servant"(vv. 17, 23, 38, 49, 65, 76, 84, 124, 125, 135, 140, 176).

 4. A prayer for greater understanding 119:25-32
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The writer felt the need of refreshment that God's Word can provide (v. 25; cf. 37, 40, 50, 93, 107, 149, 154, 156). He then called on the Lord for understanding, strength, and security (vv. 26-29). He promised to obey God when he received greater understanding because he valued the law highly (vv. 30-32).

 5. Loyal commitment to God's Word 119:33-40
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The psalmist professed wholehearted loyalty to God's statutes (vv. 33-35). He asked Yahweh to keep him from covetousness and vanity (vv. 36-37). He wanted God to root the Word deeply in his life (vv. 38-40).

 6. God's Word and salvation 119:41-48
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The writer called for God to deliver him by His love and in fulfillment of His promise (v. 41). This would give him an answer for his adversary (v. 42). Then he prayed and promised that the Lord's Word would continue to direct him (vv. 43-46). He said he loved God's commandments (vv. 47-48). Loving the Word of God is another frequently expressed response to it in this psalm (vv. 47, 48, 97, 113, 119, 127, 132, 159, 163, 165, 167).

 7. God's Word as a source of hope 119:49-56
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The poet next expressed his hope in God's Word (v. 49). He said it renews life (v. 50). He despised the proud who scorn faith in God and have no use for His law (vv. 51-53; cf. vv. 69, 78, 85). In contrast he sang and thought about God's precepts even at night (vv. 54-56).

 8. Strong commitment to God's Word 119:57-64
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The psalmist called on God for mercy because God was his chosen portion in life (vv. 57-58). He professed to having lived in keeping with what God had commanded (vv. 58-60) even when his enemies intimidated him (vv. 61-62). He had made his companions others who followed God's law as he did (vv. 63-64).

 9. Confidence in the Word of God 119:65-72
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The writer relied on the fact that God would deal with him according to what he had revealed (v. 65). However he felt the need for further instruction to prevent his wandering away from God's will (vv. 66-68). He would trust in God even though other people slandered Him (vv. 69-70). Affliction had taught him to appreciate God's statutes more than he had previously done (vv. 71-72).

 10. God's Word as an object of hope 119:73-80
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God had fashioned the psalmist who now called on the Lord to use him to encourage other godly people (vv. 73-74). He needed comfort and asked God to frustrate the arrogant who opposed him (vv. 75-78). He prayed that other godly people would encourage him and that he would continue to walk in God's ways (vv. 79-80).

 11. The reliability of God's Word 119:81-88
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The poet had almost given up as he waited for God to save him from his enemies, but he found God's revelation to be a reliable source of strength (vv. 81-82). Feeling similar to a wineskin shriveled up by the smoke of a fire he asked God how much longer he would have to wait for salvation (vv. 83-86). In spite of severe attacks by his enemies he had remained true to God's ways but requested safe keeping (vv. 87-88; cf. v. 159).

 12. The permanence of God's Word 119:89-96
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The permanence of God's Word is evident in that God has preserved it in heaven and faithfully keeps it secure there (vv. 89-91). Because the writer delighted in this firm Word he could gain the victory over his affliction (vv. 92-95). Everything else that is good has limitations, but the Word of God is boundless in its value (v. 96).

 13. The sweetness of God's Word 119:97-104
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The psalmist loved God's law because it gave him more wisdom than his enemies, his teachers, and the elderly sages who did not have it (vv. 97-100). It had enabled him to maintain his personal purity (vv. 101-102, cf. vv. 9, 104). God's promises were particularly sweet to him (v. 103).

 14. The illumination God's Word provides 119:105-112
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God's revelation is a light that illuminates the path of life and for this reason the poet determined to follow it (vv. 105-106; cf. v. 130; Prov. 6:23). The Scriptures give us the information we need to determine God's will. He had called on God for help while meditating on His Word (vv. 107-110). He would continue to follow it forever (vv. 111-112).

 15. The reverence God's Word inspires 119:113-120
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Double minded people disregard God's revelation (v. 113). However those who value it make God their refuge and defense (v. 114). The writer wanted evildoers to depart from him so he could keep God's commandments (v. 115). He called on the Lord to sustain and deliver him (vv. 116-117) because He would judge those who despised His Word (vv. 118-119). God's judgments made him tremble because they are sure (v. 120).

 16. The vindication of those who keep God's Word 119:121-128
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The first four verses of this pericope are a strong plea for protection from the antagonism of people who do not follow God's Word (vv. 121-124). The psalmist appealed to God for safety because he had faithfully observed His will (vv. 125-126). He claimed to value God's laws more highly than gold and to hate every false way (vv. 127-128).

 17. The wonder of God's Word 119:129-136
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The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful because they illuminate the understanding of the simple (vv. 129-130). The psalmist felt a great need for them (v. 131). He asked God to favor him graciously by strengthening him in the Word and by redeeming him from his oppressors (vv. 132-135). The disobedience of his enemies caused him to weep (v. 136).

 18. The righteous character of God's Word 119:137-144
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The righteous God has given us a righteous Word (vv. 137-138). The psalmist had a pure zeal for God's revelation even though his enemies looked down on him for his commitment to it (vv. 139-142). He found comfort in God's righteous testimonies when troubles overwhelmed him (vv. 143-144).

 19. The truth of God's Word 119:145-152
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The psalmist called on God to deliver him because he promised to keep His commandments (vv. 145-149). He contrasted his condition with that of his enemies (v. 150). He knew God was near him since His testimonies were true (vv. 151-152).

 20. Love for God's Word 119:153-160
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Again the writer prayed for deliverance appealing to his commitment to God's law (vv. 153-154). The wicked have little hope of salvation because they disregard God's Word (v. 155). However the psalmist could have hope because He valued it (v. 156). The righteous have many enemies who despise God's revelation (vv. 157-158). The poet appealed for personal restoration because he loved the righteous law (vv. 159-160).

 21. Joy in God's Word 119:161-168
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The opposition of powerful individuals did not intimidate the writer (v. 161). He continued to love God's Word and to find it a ceaseless source of joy, but he hated falsehood (vv. 162-164). Great peace (Heb. shalom, the fullness of God's blessings) is the portion of those who love God's law and hope in His salvation (vv. 165-166). Love had motivated the writer to keep the Lord's commandments and to live openly before God (vv. 167-168).

 22. Salvation in God's Word 119:169-176
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The psalmist called to the Lord again to hear his supplication and to save him (vv. 169-170). He wanted to praise God for His righteous commandments (vv. 171-172). He requested continued life because he loved God's law (vv. 173-175). Finally he confessed wandering away from God but asked the Lord to seek him and bring him back to the fold since he had not abandoned God's Word.

This great and unique psalm should impress the importance of the Word of God on every reader. Apparently the writer worked his way through the Hebrew alphabet selecting key words that express the various aspects of human life. He then related each one to the Word of God and so showed how it touches every area of life and is essential to all of life. Notice that he did not just give us a catalogue of the values of Scripture. Instead he showed us how the Word is relevant and invaluable in all types of situations that the godly face. The frequent references to enemies, affliction, persecution, and adversaries keep us in touch with real life as we read this psalm. In this way the psalmist illustrated the absolute importance of what God has revealed as an adequate resource and indispensable guide through life. This psalm is not only a record of praise for God's revelation, but it is also a revelation of the importance of God's Word (cf. 138:2, NIV).

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