Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  V. Book 5: chs. 107--150 > 
Psalm 124 
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David voiced praise to God for not allowing the pagan nations that surrounded Israel to defeat and assimilate God's people.

 1. The Lord's protection of His people 124:1-5
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David reminded the people that God had been on their side in the battles that might have resulted in Israel's extinction. If He had not been, they would have perished. He used several graphic images to picture the total annihilation of the chosen people. Israel's enemies had attacked her viciously many times during her history.

 2. Praise for the Lord's protection 124:6-8
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David next praised Yahweh for not allowing Israel's enemies to tear her to pieces as a vicious animal tears its prey. Israel had escaped as a bird that flies free when someone breaks the trap that snared it. Israel's helper was Yahweh, not any human deliverer (cf. 121:8). He is the Maker of heaven and earth (cf. 115:15; 121:2), the strongest of all deliverers.

This psalm and Psalm 121 both commemorate God's preservation of the Israelites. Psalm 121 is more personal and individualistic in its outlook whereas this one is more national and corporate. The preservation of God's people is a fit subject for praise in both respects. Israel has suffered from anti-Semitism for centuries, yet God has faithfully preserved His chosen people to the present day.

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