Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Proverbs >  Exposition >  II. COUPLETS EXPRESSING WISDOM 10:1--22:16 >  A. Marks of Wise Living chs. 10-15 > 
6. Avoiding trouble 12:13-28 
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12:16 A prudent person "ignores an insult"(RSV). The insult is dishonor to himself or herself. A fool's reaction is "like an injured animal and so his opponent knows that he has been wounded."110

12:18 Thoughtless or critical speech can wound others. Transparent sharing can wound the speaker. Transparent sharing is good, but we must practice it wisely.111Wise people do not cause harm by their reckless talk.

12:21 ". . . decent people do not have frequent trouble of their own making . . ."112

The verse is also true when one considers what happens to people after death as well as before.

"The rigid application of this law was the mainstay of Job's comforters; but taken rightly, it is a stimulating truth as valid for Paul (Rom. 8:28 with 36, 37) as for Joseph (Gn. 50:20)--cheaply held in prosperity, precious in adversity."113

12:22 "When words can't be trusted, then society starts to fall apart. Contracts are useless, promises are vain, the judicial system becomes a farce, and all personal relationships are suspect."114

12:25 What is the "good word?"It could be any word that gives encouragement. Solomon was evidently general deliberately.

12:26 The antecedent of "them"in 26b is "the wicked"(plural).115

12:27 The lazy man does not finish his projects; he does not roast and eat the game he has hunted. He throws away his chances for something better by quitting too soon. However the person who has mastered diligence and finishes his task has a precious tool at his disposal (i.e., perseverance).

"I recall hearing some of my student friends say at seminary graduation, Thank the Lord, no more Greek and Hebrew!' They had spent several years learning to use the Bible languages, and now they were selling their valuable language tools and thereby wasting their gains."116

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