Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Song of Solomon >  Exposition >  IV. THE MATURING PROCESS 5:2--8:4 >  A. The Problem of Apathy 5:2-6:13 > 
2. Renewed affection 5:9-16 
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This pericope contains the most extensive physical description of any character in the Old Testament, namely, Solomon. Of course, it is poetic and so not a completely literal description.

5:9 We might hear this attitude expressed in these words today: "What is so great about him? Surely you could find someone who would treat you better than he does!"

5:10-16 Nevertheless the Shulammite still loved Solomon very much, as is clear from her description of him here. The comparisons illustrate his value and attractiveness to her more than giving us a picture of his actual physical appearance. For example, his hand (v. 11) was not the color of gold, but his dealings with her symbolized by his hand had been of the highest quality. Some features in her description may be purely physical such as his black hair (v. 11). These verses show that a woman has the right to enjoy her husband's body (cf. 1 Cor. 7:4).

"A normal person finds the erotic ultimately meaningful only if there is trust and commitment, delight in the other's person as well as in the body."78

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