Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Jeremiah >  Exposition >  II. Prophecies about Judah chs. 2--45 >  A. Warnings of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem chs. 2-25 >  2. Warnings about apostasy and its consequences chs. 7-10 >  Laments during a drought and a national defeat 14:1-15:9 > 
A lament during drought 14:1-16 
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14:1 A message came to Jeremiah from Yahweh concerning some droughts (Heb. plural) that overtook Judah.241Droughts were a punishment for covenant violation in Israel (cf. Lev. 26:18-19; Deut. 28:23-24).

14:2 Judah was in mourning. Her cities were languishing, as when their gates drooped on their hinges. The people sat on the ground as an expression of their humbled condition. And the people of Jerusalem were crying out for relief.

14:3 The servants who had gone to draw water returned to their masters empty-handed. The cisterns, which collected rainwater in the cities, were dry. Even the wealthy nobles could find no water, and their servants covered their heads as though to protect themselves from heaven-sent calamity.

14:4 The farmers, the lowest persons on the social scale, likewise felt humiliated by the lack of rain. The drought had cracked their land open and had made normal farming impossible.

14:5 There was so little grass available that even the does, that normally took good care of their newborn fawns, deserted them to find grass to keep themselves alive.

14:6 Even the wild donkeys, known for their hardiness, could only stand and sniff the wind on hills since they could find nothing to eat. They panted and their eyes grew dim from lack of sustenance because death was near.

14:7 Jeremiah voiced a prayer for his people. He admitted that their iniquities, apostasies, and sins had been great. These terms for sin are all words that indicate breach of covenant. But he pled for Yahweh to do something for the people for His own reputation's sake, as a God of mercy, if not for theirs. Yet God is a God of justice as well as a God of mercy.

14:8 Yahweh had been Israel's hope (cf. 17:7, 13; 50:7; Ps. 71:5; Joel 3:16; Acts 28:20; Col. 1:27; 1 Tim. 1:1) and her savior in times of distress (cf. 2 Sam. 22:3; Ps. 106:21; Isa. 43:3, 11; 45:15; 49:26; 60:16; Hos. 13:4). But now He was acting like a stranger or a passing traveler. Such people normally have little real concern for the land through which they travel and the locals around them.

14:9 The prophet wondered why God was behaving like someone who, upon witnessing a catastrophe, was so dismayed that he just stood there with his mouth open and did nothing to help. God's lack of aid was especially surprising since He dwelt among His people and they were His chosen people. Jeremiah besought Yahweh not to forsake them.

"There could hardly be a stronger set of pleas than those that the prophet pours out here: not only the reproaches of verses 8b-9a but the positive considerations that surround them, which are a model for any prayer of penitence."242

14:10 The Lord sent a message to His people. They had loved to wander from the path that He had prescribed for them to walk (cf. v. 8; Hos. 8:13; 9:9). They had departed from His will by seeking out the many idolatrous sanctuaries in the land and the foreign nations with which they could make alliances. This was unacceptable behavior, and He would punish them for their sins.

14:11-12 The Lord further instructed Jeremiah not to pray for Him to turn back from punishing them (cf. 7:15; 11:14). Fasting and presenting sacrifices would not move Him to change either (cf. 5:12; 14:15; 27:8; 29:18; 2 Sam. 24:23; Isa. 51:19). He had determined to destroy them with the sword, famine, and disease, the classical trio of war accompaniments. This is "tough love."

"A theological question is raised as to whether it is ever proper to give up praying for anyone. Perhaps one may pray for them to come to repentance by way of divine judgment, but breach of covenant leads unerringly to divine judgment."243

14:13 Jeremiah suggested that the people were not totally responsible for their behavior. The false prophets had misled them by promising them lasting peace and prosperity.244He hinted that perhaps the Lord Himself was partially responsible since His prophets were misleading the people.

14:14 The Lord replied that He had not sent those prophets. Their prophecies were their own concoctions, not messages from Him. They had misread the covenant badly if they had concluded that disobedience would not bring inevitable punishment.

14:15 Because the false prophets had denied the coming warfare and accompanying famine they would die in it. This would be the proof that the Lord had not sent them and that they had been false to Him.

14:16 The people to whom the false prophets had made these promises would also die in the same ways. So many of them would die that there would not be enough people left alive to bury all the dead. This would be God's judgment on the people for their wickedness: many unburied corpses.

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