Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Ezekiel >  Exposition >  II. Oracles of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem for sin chs. 4-24 >  C. Yahweh's reply to the invalid hopes of the Israelites chs. 12-19 > 
2. The present judgment as evidence of divine faithfulness 12:21-28 
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This section contains two prophecies (vv. 21-25 and 26-28). The first one deals with the objection of some of the exiles that the prophecies of Jerusalem's overthrow would never come to pass. The second addresses the view of some that destruction would come but not for a very long time.

 The validity of prophecies about Jerusalem's destruction 12:21-25
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12:21-22 The Lord asked Ezekiel about a proverb that the Jews were reciting among themselves. They were saying that the days were long and that every vision failed. They meant that the captivity that the true prophets (including Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel) had predicted was a long way off and that the visions they claimed to have would turn out to be unreliable.

12:23-24 The Lord promised that the people would no longer say such things because He would prove them wrong. Ezekiel was to contradict this proverb and give the people another one that the days of the coming captivity were not far off and that the prophets' visions would come to pass. The Lord would frustrate the false prophecies and predictions of the future that only flattered the people.

12:25 Yahweh promised to bring to pass what He had spoken without delay. What He had said He would do in the days of Ezekiel's hearers. His word of judgment would go forth, and judgment would follow immediately.

 The imminent fulfillment of prophecies of Jerusalem's destruction 12:26-28
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12:26-27 Some of the people were saying that the prophecies about coming judgment were true, but they would not come to pass for a long time.

"Rebelliousness (v. 25) can take many forms, some of them even quite pious (How do I know which preacher to believe, which church is right?'). In Ezekiel's day it was How do I know which prophet is correct (v. 24), which prophecy applies to me (v. 27)?'"199

12:28 Nevertheless the Lord promised not to delay His promises of coming judgment any longer. He would perform all that He had promised (cf. 2 Pet. 3:2-13).

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