Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >
Leviticus >
Exposition >
I. The public worship of the Israelites chs. 1--16 >
B. The institution of the Aaronic priesthood chs. 8-10 >
2. The entrance of Aaron and his sons into their office ch. 9 

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This chapter explains how the priests carried out the duties associated with their induction into their office. The events recorded took place on the eighth day (v. 1), the day after the seven days of consecration. After a week of cleansing, Aaron could now begin to offer sacrifices himself; he no longer had to rely on Moses to offer sacrifices for him.
As noted previously, the structure of chapter 9 is similar to that of chapter 8. Moses commanded Aaron and the "congregation"(vv. 1-4), and the "congregation"obeyed (v. 5). Then Moses commanded Aaron (v. 7), and Aaron obeyed (vv. 8-21). Finally fire from God fell symbolizing His acceptance of the sacrifices (vv. 22-24).