Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Ezekiel >  Exposition >  IV. Future blessings for Israel chs. 33--48 >  B. Restoration to the Promised Land 33:21-39:29 >  6. Future invasion of the Promised Land chs. 38-39 > 
The invasion of the enemy from the north 38:14-16 
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38:14 The Lord wanted Ezekiel to tell Gog that on the day the Lord would call him up for service (v. 4) he would know that Israel dwelt securely in her own land.

38:15-16 He and his allies would descend on Israel from the north and cover her like a storm cloud (cf. v. 6; 39:2; Dan. 11:40-45).492God would bring Gog against His people "in the last days"(cf. vv. 8, 14, 18; 39:8, 11) to teach the nations to acknowledge Yahweh. They would do this when God used Gog do demonstrate His holiness (unique deity) in their eyes. Yahweh would raise up Gog as He had raised up the Pharaoh of the Exodus to demonstrate His power when He overthrew him.

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