Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Hosea >  Exposition >  VI. The fifth series of messages on judgment and restoration: historical unfaithfulness 11:12--14:9 >  A. Judgment for unfaithfulness 11:12-13:16 >  1. The deceitfulness of Israel 11:12-12:14 > 
An introductory accusation and announcement of judgment 11:12-12:2 
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11:12 The Lord complained that Ephraim (Israel) had consistently lied and tried to deceive Him. He described Himself as surrounded and under attack by His own people. Wherever He looked all He saw was cheaters. Deception (Heb. mirmah, unfaithfulness) had also marked Israel's ancestor, Jacob (cf. 12:3-4, 12; Gen. 27:35). But the kingdom of Judah had also been unruly (Heb. rud, wayward) in its relationship with the Holy One (cf. v. 9) who is faithful. Yahweh was always faithful to His covenant promises even though these groups of His people had wandered from Him and sought out Baals and foreign allies. Both kingdoms had been unfaithful to the covenant the Lord had made with them.77

12:1 Describing Ephraim feeding on wind pictures the nations pursuing vain efforts that do not satisfy (cf. 8:7; 13:15). Reference to the east wind suggests the hot desert wind that no one in his right mind would pursue. Ephraim also multiplied lies and violence, evidences of internal social injustice (cf. 4:2; 7:1). She made covenants (treaties) with Assyria and Egypt rather than trusting in God (cf. 5:13; 7:8, 11; 8:8-9; 2 Kings 17:3-4; 18:21; Isa. 30:7). Carrying oil to Egypt probably expresses Ephraim fulfilling a covenant obligation to her treaty partner.

12:2 The Lord also had a charge (Heb. rib, cf. 2:2) to bring against Judah and promised to punish Jacob in harmony with his sins. "Jacob"probably represents both kingdoms here since both descended from him.

"Israel is not a chip off the old block' but a nation unlikeits eponymous ancestor, in that it refuses to acknowledge Yahweh as its sole God."78

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