Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Hosea >  Exposition >  VI. The fifth series of messages on judgment and restoration: historical unfaithfulness 11:12--14:9 >  A. Judgment for unfaithfulness 11:12-13:16 >  2. Israel's impending doom ch. 13 > 
Covenant unfaithfulness punished 13:15-16 
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13:15 With the removal of God's compassion (v. 14), Israel's prosperity would end. Hosea described that change like a hot eastern desert wind sweeping over Israel and drying up all its water sources. Israel had flourished among its neighbors, as a plant does when it grows in shallow water among reeds. Like a sirocco Assyria would sweep over Israel from the east and cause the nation of Israel to wither. The Assyrians would plunder everything valuable in the land.

13:16 Yahweh would hold Samaria, a metonymy for Israel, guilty for rebelling against Him, her covenant lord and God (cf. 7:13; 8:1). Israel's soldiers would die in battle (cf. Lev. 26:25), her children would suffer unmerciful executions (cf. Deut. 28:52-57; 32:25), and the Assyrians would even cut open her pregnant women with their swords (cf. 2 Kings 15:16; Amos 1:13).84These were curses that the Lord warned would follow rebellion against the terms of His covenant (cf. Lev. 26:25; Deut. 28:21; 32:24-25; Amos 4:10).85

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