Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Leviticus >  Exposition >  II. The private worship of the Israelites chs. 17--27 > 
B. Holiness of the priests, gifts, and sacrifices chs. 21-22 
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All the people were to maintain holiness before God, but the priests had higher standards because of their privileges in relationship to God. Moses explained these higher regulations in this section of two chapters.

"The thrust of this section [21:1-22:16] is twofold: the office of a priest is holy, and the office is above the man. A priest must be holy in body, upright in conduct, and ceremonially clean; for he is the representative of God."242

This section also contains the requirements for sacrificial animals because the sacrificial animals were the priests of the animal world. Many of the deformities that kept a priest from offering sacrifice (21:18-20) are the same as those that kept an animal from qualifying as a sacrifice (22:20-24). Sacrificial animals corresponded to the priests, clean animals to the Israelites, and unclean animals to the Gentiles.243

A formula statement, "For I am the Lord who sanctifies them,"or a similar affirmation, closes each of the six subsections (21:8, 15, 23; 22:9, 16, 32).

 1. The first list of regulations for priests 21:1-15
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"The list has a brief introduction (v. 1) and ends with the introduction to the next list (v. 16). There are fourteen (7 x 2) laws in the list."244

21:1-6 The priest was not to defile himself ceremonially by touching a corpse except in the case of his nearest relatives. Shaving the head or beard and self-mutilation were practices of pagan priests who demonstrated personal distress in these ways (cf. 1 Kings 18:28).

"As in other parts of the ancient Near East [besides Sumeria] priests' heads were normally shaved and no beard was worn."245

Defacing the human body was unacceptable because physical perfection symbolized holiness. The priests of Israel were neither to appear nor to behave as pagan priests.

21:7-9 The priests' marriages and home life were to be in keeping with their holy vocation.

"Very awful is your responsibility if you diminish your zeal, love, spirituality, by marrying one who has more of earth and a present world in her person and spirit, than of heaven and a coming eternity."246

Priests could not marry prostitutes or divorced women but only virgins or widows of spotless character.247

"However innocent the divorced woman was in fact, her reputation was likely to have been affected by the divorce."248

The bride of a priest could not be a Canaanite or an idolater, but she could be a foreigner. The priests' children were to lead upright lives too.

"The conduct of the family is noticed by the world, and they lay the blame of their [the children's] misdeeds at the door of their parents. . . . They [the children] hinder the usefulness of their father, who loses influence in the eyes of the world if his counsels and walk have not succeeded in drawing his own family to God [cf. 1 Tim. 3:11; Titus 1:6]."249

21:10-15 It was inappropriate for the high priest to uncover his head in mourning since the holy oil had anointed it. He was not to tear his clothes either (cf. Matt. 26:65). He could not marry a widow or a foreigner as the other priests could. He was not to abandon his duties to conduct other business temporarily. He was not to "profane his offspring"(v. 15) by marrying someone unsuitable to his position before God.

 2. The second list of regulations for priests 21:16-24
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"This list is introduced by the expression And the LORD spoke to Moses saying, Speak to Aaron' (v. 16), and is concluded by the expression And Moses spoke to Aaron' (v. 24). There are fourteen (7 x 2) laws in the list."250

Certain restrictions applied to priests who were physically defective. They could not enter the holy place or offer sacrifices at the altar of burnt offerings. Handicapped priests were not inferior spiritually. However the priest's duties and office required completeness since the priest stood between God and people.

". . . the priests can be most effective in God's service only when they are in ordinary health and free from physical imperfections."251

Physical wholeness symbolized spiritual holiness.

 3. The third list of regulations for priests 22:1-33
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The previous section (21:16-24) named physical impediments that prohibited some priests from offering sacrifices. This one identifies the circumstances under which priests could neither officiate at the sacrifices nor eat priestly food.

Twenty-eight selected laws (7 x 4) compose this section.

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