Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Numbers >  Exposition >  I. Experiences of the older generation in the wilderness chs. 1--25 >  A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the south chs. 1-10 >  3. The departure from Sinai ch. 10 > 
The journey from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea 10:11-36 
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The Israelites had been at Mt. Sinai for almost one year (Exod. 19:1; Num. 10:11). All that Moses recorded as occurring between Exodus 19:1 and Numbers 10:11 took place during those twelve months.

Even though this region contains several oases and some grazing land, these could not have provided for the two million or so Israelites plus their animals during their stay there.82As the text of Scripture implies and sometimes states, God provided for the needs of His people from Egypt to Canaan by giving them an unbroken series of miraculous provisions.

The trip from Sinai to Kadesh on Canaan's southern border was normally a journey of only 11 days (Deut. 1:2). Verses 11 and 12 summarize the whole journey from Sinai to Kadesh that the writer described in more detail in 10:13-12:16. The wilderness of Paran (v. 12) was the area between Sinai and Kadesh.

"The Desert of Paran is a large plateau in the northeastern Sinai, south of what later would be called the Negev of Judah, and west of the Arabah. This forms the southernmost portion of the Promised Land, the presumed staging area for the assault on the land itself. The principal lines of assault on the land of Canaan are from the southwest, following the Way of the Sea from Egypt, and from the northwest, following the Way of the Sea from Phoenicia. Israel's staging for attack in the Desert of Paran was a brilliant strategy. In this way they would avoid the fortified routes to the west, presumably under the control of Egypt. This unusual line of attack from the south would stun the inhabitants of the land. They would come like a sirocco blast from the desert, and the land would be theirs, under the hand of God."83

The Israelites broke camp and proceeded to march as the Lord had commanded them (vv. 13-28; cf. ch. 2). The tabernacle receives special attention in this description in keeping with its central importance in the nation.

"A major component of the covenant promise to the fathers and to Israel the nation was . . . the inheritance and occupation of a land. This land was representative of the whole earth. As man was placed in the Garden of Eden to keep and rule it, so Israel would be placed in Canaan to keep and rule it as a fiefdom from the Great King. At last, when the saving purposes of the Lord will have been accomplished, all the earth--indeed all creation--will fall under the rule of mankind, who will have dominion over all things.'"84

Verses 29-32 record an incident that took place before the Israelites left Sinai. This section is a flash-back of secondary importance to the departure from Sinai. Moses' brother-in-law Hobab had come to live among or visit the Israelites at Sinai. He evidently agreed to Moses' suggestion that he act as a scout for the nation (cf. Judg. 1:16).

"Moses continued to urge Hobab to join Israel. In a sense this is an act of evangelism. Hobab did not come easily. But subsequent biblical texts indicate that he did come. As such, he is like Ruth who joins Naomi en route to the Land of Promise, leaving all behind, with a promise of something ahead that is of more value than anything left at home."85

Even though God led Israel with the cloud, Hobab would have been useful since he knew the wilderness and could advise Moses concerning its terrain, oases, and other features. The name of Moses' father-in-law is Reuel here (v. 29). He was Zipporah's father (cf. Exod. 2:18).

The Israelites apparently carried the ark in front of the whole nation as they marched (v. 33). The cloud was evidently over it but not necessarily over the whole nation (v. 34). The cloud stood over the ark and led those carrying it and the nation as the Israelites moved forward.

"It [the ark] is something like a wedding ring: the visible sign of the bond between the Lord and his people."86

Moses' prayers whenever the cloud moved (v. 35) and stopped (v. 36) give us a glimpse into his intercessory ministry for Israel. They show his prayerful concern for the people he was responsible to lead. Israel's enemies (v. 35) were those that might seek to turn them back from the Promised Land along the way as well as the Canaanites whom Israel would fight in the land.

"The theme of this passage is Israel's glorious leadership by Yahweh as the people depart from the Mountain of God for an immediate conquest of Canaan. There is no sense here of the impending doom that awaits Israel's rebellion in the wilderness."87

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