Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >
Luke >
Exposition >
VII. Jesus' passion, resurrection, and ascension 22:1--24:53 >
F. The crucifixion of Jesus 23:26-49 >
1. Events on the way to Golgotha 23:26-32 >
The example of Simon of Cyrene 23:26 (cf. Matt. 27:32 ; Mark 15:21 )
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Luke probably chose to insert this apparently insignificant incident because it provides such a good example of an ideal disciple. Jesus had taught His disciples to forsake all, take up their cross, and follow Him (9:23; 14:27). That is precisely what Simon did. It involved laying aside his personal plans, becoming associated with Jesus publicly in His humiliation, and following in His steps as His servant.
Cyrene was in North Africa. Normally criminals condemned to crucifixion had to carry the large crosspiece of their own cross to their place of execution.505Apparently Jesus' severe beating had made it impossible for Him to carry it the whole way to Calvary.