Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Luke >  Exposition >  VII. Jesus' passion, resurrection, and ascension 22:1--24:53 >  F. The crucifixion of Jesus 23:26-49 >  1. Events on the way to Golgotha 23:26-32 > 
The criminals crucified with Jesus 23:32 
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This verse constitutes a narrative bridge connecting Jesus' journey to the Cross with His crucifixion. One of its functions seems to be to introduce the two criminals who feature later in the story (vv. 33, 39-43). More important it associates Jesus with guilty sinners.506This reference also adds to the humiliation of Jesus that Luke stressed. There are several indications that Luke wanted to point out Jesus' humiliation in the next section. This notation also indicates a fulfillment of prophecy (cf. 22:37; Isa. 53:12).

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