Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  John >  Exposition >  IV. Jesus' passion ministry chs. 18--20 >  D. Jesus' crucifixion 19:17-30 > 
5. Jesus' provision for His mother 19:25-27 
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John is the only evangelist who recorded this incident.

19:25 The four women standing nearby contrast with the four soldiers.593While the soldiers behaved callously and profited immediately from Jesus' death, the women waited faithfully and patiently for what God would do. It was apparently common for friends and relatives, as well as enemies, to stand at some distance around the crosses of crucified criminals.594Only John mentioned that Jesus' mother was present at His crucifixion.

Some Women Who Observed the Crucifixion

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene

Jesus' mother (Mary)

Mary the mother of James and Joseph =

Mary the mother of James the less and Joses =

Mary the wife of Clopas

Mother of Zebedee's sons =

Salome =

Jesus' mother's sister595

It is interesting that John did not identify his own mother by name or as the mother of Zebedee's sons. He evidently wanted to play down her identity as well as his own since he did not mention himself directly in this Gospel either. By referring to his mother as the sister of Jesus' mother, John prepared for Jesus' action in verses 26-27. John was Jesus' cousin on his mother's side. As such, he was a logical person to assume responsibility for Mary's welfare. Evidently Jesus' physical half-brothers did not become believers until after His resurrection.

19:26-27 Jesus addressed his mother by saying, "Dear woman"(Gr. gynai, cf. 2:4). This was an affectionate and respectful way of speaking to her. Mary's grief must have been very great (cf. 2:38). Even as He hung dying an excruciatingly painful death, Jesus compassionately made provision for his mother. The language Jesus used was legal and quite similar to the terms used commonly in adoption proceedings.596His action indicates that He was the person responsible for His mother, implying that Joseph was no longer on the scene and that He was her eldest son. Most interpreters assume that Joseph had died by now. Jesus' act also placed Mary under John's authority, a position that the Roman Catholic church has found very uncomfortable in view of its doctrine of Mary's supremacy.

This was Jesus' third recorded saying from the cross.

Jesus' Words on the Cross





"Father, forgive them."


"Today you shall be with me in paradise."


"Woman, behold your son,"and "Behold, your mother."


"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"



"I thirst."


"It is finished."


"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."



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