"For the Jews of his day, it would have been axiomatic that there was no priesthood other than the Aaronic. We are now shown that the Law itself proves that there is a higher priesthood than that."212
The writer began by explaining the significance of Melchizedek since understanding him is foundational to appreciating Jesus Christ's high priestly ministry.213
"The dominant text in 7:1-10 is Gen 14:17-20, but in chap. 7 as a whole Gen 14:17-20 is subordinated to Ps 110:4 . . .
"The limits of the first section are confirmed literarily by an inclusioestablished between vv 1 and 10 by the repeated statement that Melchizedek met Abraham."214
Having shown the superiority of Melchizedek to Abraham and Levi, the writer proceeded to point out the superiority of Melchizedek's priesthood and Jesus' priesthood. He did so to clarify for his readers the inferiority of the Mosaic Covenant and its priesthood. Not only was Melchizedek greaterthan Aaron, but Melchizedek replacedAaron.
"Within the structure of the homily, 7:1-28 is clearly defined as a literary unit. The reference to the Son of God' in v 3 prepares for the climactic reference to the Son' in v 28. The entire chapter is concerned with the Son as priest, or high priest, like Melchizedek,' who is superior to the Levitical priests. The fact that v 28 summarizes and concludes the comparison of Jesus as Son with the Levitical priesthood, a subject that occupies the writer in a preparatory way in 7:1-10 and directly in 7:11-28, is of special importance . . ."218
Genesis 14:17-20 now falls into the background, and Psalm 110:4 becomes dominant.219Note also the key words "perfection"(v. 11) and "perfect"(vv. 19, 28). These two words not only form an inclusiobut begin and end the argument of the pericope. Perfection did not come through the Old Covenant priests but through the Son.
Why would God replace the Levitical priesthood? Four reasons follow.
7:26 In view of His superior ministry it is only fitting that our High Priest should be a superior Person. "Holy"(Gr. hosios) stresses blamelessness.230"Innocent"means without guile or malice. "Undefiled"looks at His absolute purity. "Separated from sinners"probably refers to His being in a different class from sinful men.231
"The exposition is brought to a conclusion in vv 26-28 with a majestic statement concerning Jesus' character, achievement, and status as high priest."232
7:27 In Israel's daily sacrifices, the priest had to offer a sacrifice for his own sins before he could offer one for the sins of others (Exod. 29:38-46; Lev. 4:3-12). Also on the Day of Atonement the high priest would offer a sin offering for expiation for himself and then another one for the sins of the people (Lev. 16:6-10). Jesus Christ does not need to offer up periodic sacrifices to atone for sin either for His own sins or for those of His people. His one sacrifice of both worship and expiation completely satisfied God. No subsequent sacrifices are necessary for that purpose. The writer proceeded to develop this thought more fully in 9:11-14 and 10:1-15.
7:28 "The profound difference between the two priesthoods is detailed in a concluding contrast summarizing the argument of the entire chapter."233
Jesus Christ is superior because He is a Son rather than a mere man, because God appointed Him more recently than He appointed the Levitical priests, and because God appointed Him with an oath (v. 21). He is "perfect"because He offered one sacrifice for sin that was adequate to satisfy God completely (cf. 2:10; 5:8-10; 7:28; 12:2; 1 John 2:2). Because He is perfect He can intercede effectively for us. Consequently we can go to Him confidently any time we need His help in overcoming trials and temptations, specifically those trials that might result in our apostatizing. "Perfect forever"has the idea of not being subject to defects. He will never fail us, and another high priest will never replace Him.
In view of the superior order of priesthood that Melchizedek foreshadowed and that Jesus Christ fulfilled, why would anyone want to go back to the old Aaronic order? The person of our high priest is superior. The order of our high priest is superior. Christ is completely adequate in His person and preeminent in His order. We should worship His person and rely on His intercession because of His order. And we should not abandon Him.
"One of the most distinctive themes in the theology of Hebrews is the change from old to new in God's dealings with humankind. In Jesus Christ a decisive shift in salvation-history has occurred according to God's plan. What was provisional and ineffective has been superseded by the final and full salvation in the Son of God, a change anticipated in the Old Testament itself."234