Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Revelation >  Exposition >  III. THE REVELATION OF THE FUTURE 4:1--22:5 >  I. Supplementary revelation of Preparations for the final judgments in the Great Tribulation chs. 14-15454 >  1. Judgment at the end of the Great Tribulation ch. 14 >  Four climactic announcements 14:6-13 > 
The fate of beast-worshippers 14:9-12 
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14:9 A third angel followed the former two with a third message in this sequence warning the beast-worshippers of their judgment (cf. 13:11-17). The goal of this warning is to alert potential beast-worshippers to their doom, if they follow the beast, and to encourage believers to remain faithful (cf. Matt. 10:28).476

14:10 The beast will kill people who do not follow him, but those who follow the beast will receive worse judgment from God.477The combination of "wrath"(Gr. orges, settled indignation) and "anger"(Gr. thymou, vehement fury) stresses the reality and severity of God's hostility (cf. Num. 12:9; 22:22). Normally people added water to wine to dilute it, but God will not weaken His punishment of beast-worshippers. Their torment will be excruciating (cf. Gen. 19:24; Isa. 34:8-10), but this is not a reference to their eternal torment. Their final torment will be in the lake of fire removed from the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb (19:20; 20:10; 21:8, 27; 22:14-15; cf. Matt. 25:41; Mark 9:43; 2 Thess. 1:8-9).

"The opposite case is that of the overcomer who will receive open recognition in the presence of the Father and His angels (3:5)."478

14:11 An endless trail of ascending smoke is the constant reminder of the permanent misery of beast-worshippers (cf. 19:3; Gen. 19:28). The temporary judgments of beast-worshippers under the coming bowl judgments now give way to judgment that is eternal (cf. Matt. 25:46; Rom. 2:3-9; 2 Thess. 1:6-9). If the ceaseless praise of the Lamb by the living creatures is eternal (4:5), so must be the punishment of these unbelievers since the same phrase, "forever and ever,"describes both.

"The modern vogue of dispensing with hell has no counterpart in Revelation."479

"This is the most horrible picture of eternal punishment in the entirety of Revelation . . ."480

14:12 This verse contains John's word of encouragement to believers in the Great Tribulation (cf. 13:10b, 18; 17:9). It is better to experience the beast's punishment, even martyrdom, than God's punishment.

This verse is not saying that if genuine believers apostatize and worship the beast they will lose their salvation and suffer eternal punishment. It is saying that if they worship the beast they will experience temporal punishment from God along with beast-worshippers (v. 10). This temporal punishment is only the first phase of the punishment that unbelievers will experience (v. 11), but it is the only phase that believers will experience (cf. Rom. 8:231-39).

In view of their hope believers in the Great Tribulation should persevere in obedience and trust, good works and faith in God, plus ethical conduct and reliance on Jesus Christ. This is an encouragement to persevere, not a guarantee that the saints will persevere.481Obedience to God's commandments and continuing trust in Jesus will see the faithful through these days of tribulation successfully.

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