Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Joshua >  Exposition >  I. THE CONQUEST OF THE LAND chs. 1--12 >  C. Possession of the land 5:13-12:24 > 
8. Conquests in northern Canaan 11:1-15 
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The leaders of the northern Canaanite cities also decided to unite to withstand the threat of Israelite expansion.

11:1-3 Hazor was the leading city in northern Canaan with an area of 175 acres and a population of 30,000 to 40,000 people.145Archaeologists calculate the population of walled cities in Canaan as about 200 people per acre. Hazor was at one time the head of an alliance of all the northern cities (v. 10).146Jabin (v. 1) may have been a title rather than a proper name (cf. Judg. 4:2).147

11:4-9 According to Josephus the combined armies of the Canaanite tribes totaled 300,000 armed footmen, 10,000 horsemen, and 20,000 chariots.148

"The northern coalition was Israel's most formidable foe in terms of both numbers and weaponry. Each successive battle that Israel fought was more difficult than the last."149

The waters of Merom (v. 5) were evidently close to the village of Merom that was west of Hazor. Some scholars equate the waters of Merom with Lake Huleh. Lake Huleh lay to the north of the Sea of Chinnereth (Galilee). Others equate Merom with Madon, about five miles west of modern Tiberias.150These locations seem less likely.

Hamstringing involved cutting the hamstring muscle of the horses' legs. Hamstringing the horses and burning the chariots (vv. 6, 9) had two effects. The enemy could not use them again, and the Israelites could not use them or trust in them.

11:10-15 The meaning of the phrase "cities that stood on their mounds"(v. 13) is unclear.

"It would be difficult to point out any single expression in the whole book of Joshua, perhaps in the whole Scriptures, more difficult of explanation than this."151

Perhaps these were the older more influential towns that previous generations had rebuilt on their former ruins.152If this is the meaning, probably Joshua did not burn them because he wanted to preserve these towns with time-honored sites for Israelite occupation.

The secret of Joshua's remarkable success from the human viewpoint was his consistent obedience to the Lord (v. 15). We too will experience victory over our spiritual enemies--the world, the flesh, and the devil--to the extent that we do God's will as He has revealed that in His Word.

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