Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Ruth >  Exposition >  I. NAOMI'S PREDICAMENT ch. 1 > 
E. Hope for the future 1:22 
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This summary sentence not only concludes chapter 1 but also prepares the reader for the remaining scenes of the story. Naomi had left Bethlehem pleasant (Heb. na'em) but returned bitter (v. 20). She had left with Elimelech, one source of blessing in her life, but returned with Ruth who would become another source of blessing for her. She had left during a famine, but she returned to Bethlehem (lit. house of bread, the place of blessing) at the beginning of harvest.

Throughout the book the writer frequently referred to Ruth as "Ruth the Moabitess"(1:22; 2:2, 6, 21; 4:5, 10). This is one way in which he drew attention to the fact that God used even a non-Israelite, from an enemy nation, to bring blessing to Israel. The key to her being this source of blessing emerges in the first chapter. It was her faith in Yahweh and her commitment to His people. Throughout human history this has always been the key to God's using people as His channels of blessing. It is not their origins or backgrounds but their faith in and commitment to Yahweh that make them usable.

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