Resource > Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren) >  Deuteronomy >  Their Rock And Our Rock  > 
II. Every Man's Experience Shows Him That There Is No Such Refuge Anywhere Else. 
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We do not assert that every man consciously comes to that conclusion. All we say is that he would do so if he rightly pondered the facts. The history of every life is a history of disappointment. Take these particulars just stated and ask yourselves: What does experience say as to the possibility of our possessing such blessings apart from God? There is no need for us to exaggerate, for the naked reality is sad enough. If God is not our best Good, we have no solid good. Every other rock' crumbles into sand. Else why this restless change, why this disquiet, why the constant repetition, generation after generation, of the old, old wail, Vanity of vanities, all is vanity'? Why does every heart say Amen to the poet and the dramatist singing of the fever and the fret,' the tragic faro of man's life?

Our appeal is not to men in the flush of excitement, but to them in their hours of solitary sane reflection. It is from Philip drunk to Philip sober.' We each have material for judging in our own case, and in the cases of some others. The experiment of living with other rocks' than God has been tried for millenniums now. What has been the issue? You know what Christianity claims that it can do to make a life stable and safe. Do you know anything else that can? You know what Christian men will calmly say that they have found. Can you say as much? Let us hear some dying testimonies. Hearken to Jacob: The God which hath fed me all my life long unto this day, the Angel which redeemed me from all evil.' Hearken to Moses: The Rock, His work is perfect, for all His ways are judgment, a God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and right is He.' Hearken to Joshua: Not one good thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake.' Hearken to David: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want … Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.' Hearken to Paul: The Lord stood by me and strengthened me, and I was delivered … the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and will save me unto His heavenly kingdom.' What man who has chosen to take refuge or build on men and creatures can look backward and forward in such fashion?

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