Resource > Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren) >  Jeremiah >  Forsaking Jehovah  > 
I. The Universal Indictment. 
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This is not so much a charge of isolated overt acts, as of departure from God. That departure, itself a sin, is the fountain of all other sins. Every act which is morally wrong is religiously a departure from God; it could not be done, unless heart and will had moved away from their allegiance to Him. So the solemn mystery of right and wrong becomes yet more solemn, when our personal relation to the personal God is brought in.

Then--consider what this forsaking is--at bottom aversion of will, or rather of the whole nature, from Him.

How strange and awful is that power which a creature possesses of closing his heart against God, and setting up a quasi-independence!

How universal it is--appeal to each man's own consciousness.

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