Resource > Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren) >  St. Mark 10-16 >  The World-Wide Commission  > 
IV. The Practical Duty. 
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Go ye and preach.' The matter is literally left in our hands. Jesus has returned to the throne. Ere departing He announces the distinct command. There it is, and it is age-long in its application,--Preach!' that is the one gospel weapon. Tell of the name and the work of God manifest in the flesh.' First evangelise,' then disciple the nations.' Bring to Christ, then build up in Christ. There are no other orders. Let there be boundless trust in the divine gospel, and it will vindicate itself in every mission-field. Let us think imperially of Christ and the Church.' Our anticipations of success should be world-wide in their sweep.

As when they kindle the festival lamps round the dome of St. Peter's, there is a first twinkling spot here and another there, and gradually they multiply till they outline the whole in an unbroken ring of light, so one by one' men will enter the kingdom, till at last every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.'

He shall reign from shore to shore,With illimitable sway.'

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