Resource > Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren) >  Exodus >  God Proclaiming His Own Name  > 
I. The Answer To The Request For A Sensuous Manifestation. 
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The request is show me,' as if some visible manifestation were desired and expected, or, if not a visible, at least a direct perception of Jehovah's glory.' Moses desires that he, as mediator and lawgiver, may have some closer knowledge. The answer to his request is a word, the articulate proclamation of the Name' of the Lord. It is higher than all manifestation to sense, which was what Moses had asked. Here there is no symbol as of the Lord in the cloud.' The divine manifestation is impossible to sense, and that, too, not by reason of man's limitations, but by reason of God's nature. The manifestation to spirit in full immediate perception is impossible also. It has to be maintained that we know God only in part'; but it does not follow that our knowledge is only representative, or is not of Him as He is.' Though not whole it is real, so far as it goes.

But this is not the highest form. Words and propositions can never reveal so fully, nor with such certitude, as a personal revelation. But we have Christ's life, God manifest': not words about God, but the manifestation of the very divine nature itself in action. Merciful':--and we see Jesus going about doing good.' Gracious,' and we see Him welcoming to Himself all the weary, and ever bestowing of the treasures of His love. Longsuffering :--Father! forgive them!' God is plenteous in mercy and in truth,' forgiving transgression and sin :--Thy sins be forgiven thee.'

How different it all is when we have deeds, a human life, on which to base our belief! How much more certain, as well as coming closer to our hearts! Merely verbal statements need proof, they need warming. In Christ's showing us the Father they are changed as from a painting to a living being; they are brought out of the region of abstractions into the concrete.

And so the word had breath, and wroughtWith human hands the creed of creeds.'

Show us the Father and it sufficeth us.' He that hath seen Me, hath seen the Father.'

Is there any other form of manifestation possible? Yes; in heaven there will be a closer vision of Christ --not of God. Our knowledge of Christ will there be expanded, deepened, made more direct. We know not how. There will be bodily changes: Like unto the body of His glory,' etc. We shall be like Him.' Changed from glory to glory.'

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