Resource > Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren) >  Deuteronomy >  Their Rock And Our Rock  > 
IV. Yet Many Of Us Will Not Take God For Our Rock. 
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Surely it is a most extraordinary thing that men should be judges,' being convinced in their deepest consciousness that God is the only Foundation and Refuge, and yet that the conviction should have absolutely no influence on their conduct. The same stark, staring inconsequence is visible in many other departments of life, but in this region it works its most tragic results. The message which many of my hearers need most is--follow out your deepest convictions, and be true to the inward voice which condenses all your experience into the one counsel to take God for the strength of your hearts and your portion for ever,' for only in Him will you find what you need for life and strength and riches. If He is our Rock,' then we shall have a firm foundation, a safe refuge, inexhaustible refreshment and untroubled rest. Lives founded on aught beside are built on sand and will be full of tremors and unsettlement's, and at last the despairing builder and his ruined house will be washed away with the dissolving sandbank and shoal of time' on which he built.

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