Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Psalms >  Exposition >  IV. Book 4: chs. 90--106 >  Psalm 91 > 
2. The deliverance God provides 91:3-13 
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91:3-8 God saves us from those who insidiously try to trap us and from deadly diseases. He does this as a mother bird does when it covers its young with its wings, namely tenderly and carefully. He provides as sure a defense as a shield or large rampart can.

Consequently the believer can be at peace and not fear attacks at any time (vv. 5-6). Those who fall by our side (v. 7) are those who do not trust in the Lord. The believer is invincible until his or her time is up. We will see the wicked fall around us, but God will sustain us. Nothing can touch us but what He permits, nor can any rebel escape His retribution (v. 8).

91:9-13 Those who trust in the Lord can rely on His protection. He will commission angels to watch over and protect His own. This is one of the passages in Scripture that reveals the existence and activity of "guardian angels"(cf. Matt. 18:10). The writer was using hyperbole when he wrote that the believer will not even stub his or her toe (v. 12). Verse 13 also seems to be hyperbolic. It pictures our overcoming dangerous animals. God has given some believers this kind of protection occasionally (e.g., Dan. 6; Acts 28:3-6), but the writer's point was that God will protect His people from all kinds of dangers.

Satan quoted verses 11 and 12 when he tempted Jesus Christ in the wilderness (Matt. 4:6). He urged Him to interpret this promise literally. However, Jesus declined to tempt God by deliberately putting Himself in a dangerous situation to see if God would miraculously deliver Him.

Jesus referred to verse 13 when He sent the disciples out on a preaching mission (Luke 10:19). Again it seems clear that His intention was to assure the disciples that God would take care of them. He was not encouraging them to put their lives in danger deliberately.

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