(1.0001964539007) | Mar 5:1 |
(1.0001964539007) | Mar 5:10 | He begged Jesus 1 repeatedly not to send them out of the region. |
(1.0001964539007) | Luk 8:26 |
(1.0001964539007) | Luk 12:16 | He then 1 told them a parable: 2 “The land of a certain rich man produced 3 an abundant crop, |
(1.0001964539007) | Act 13:49 | So the word of the Lord was spreading 1 through the entire region. |
(0.87517184397163) | Mat 2:12 | After being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, 1 they went back by another route to their own country. |
(0.87517184397163) | Luk 15:14 | Then 1 after he had spent everything, a severe famine took place in that country, and he began to be in need. |
(0.87517184397163) | Luk 19:12 | Therefore he said, “A nobleman 1 went to a distant country to receive 2 for himself a kingdom and then return. 3 |
(0.87517184397163) | Act 18:23 | After he spent 1 some time there, Paul left and went through the region of Galatia 2 and Phrygia, 3 strengthening all the disciples. |
(0.75014737588652) | Mat 4:16 | the people who sit in darkness have seen a great light, and on those who sit in the region and shadow of death a light has dawned.” 1 |
(0.75014737588652) | Mar 6:55 | They ran through that whole region and began to bring the sick on mats to wherever he was rumored to be. 1 |
(0.75014737588652) | Luk 2:8 |
(0.75014737588652) | Luk 15:13 | After 1 a few days, 2 the younger son gathered together all he had and left on a journey to a distant country, and there he squandered 3 his wealth 4 with a wild lifestyle. |
(0.75014737588652) | Luk 15:15 | So he went and worked for 1 one of the citizens of that country, who 2 sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 3 |
(0.75014737588652) | Luk 21:21 | Then those who are in Judea must flee 1 to the mountains. Those 2 who are inside the city must depart. Those 3 who are out in the country must not enter it, |
(0.75014737588652) | Joh 11:55 | Now the Jewish feast of Passover 1 was near, and many people went up to Jerusalem 2 from the rural areas before the Passover to cleanse themselves ritually. 3 |
(0.75014737588652) | Act 10:39 | We 1 are witnesses of all the things he did both in Judea 2 and in Jerusalem. 3 They 4 killed him by hanging him on a tree, 5 |
(0.75014737588652) | Act 16:6 |
(0.75014737588652) | Act 27:27 | When the fourteenth night had come, while we were being driven 1 across the Adriatic Sea, 2 about midnight the sailors suspected they were approaching some land. 3 |
(0.62512276595745) | Mat 8:28 |