(1.0019892513369) | Joh 20:23 | If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven; 1 if you retain anyone’s sins, they are retained.” 2 |
(0.70851336898396) | Mat 21:46 | They wanted to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowds, because the crowds 1 regarded him as a prophet. |
(0.70851336898396) | Mat 22:6 | The 1 rest seized his slaves, insolently mistreated them, and killed them. |
(0.70851336898396) | Mat 26:4 | They 1 planned to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him. |
(0.70851336898396) | Mar 3:21 | When his family 1 heard this they went out to restrain him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” |
(0.70851336898396) | Mar 7:8 | Having no regard 1 for the command of God, you hold fast to human tradition.” 2 |
(0.70851336898396) | Mar 9:27 | But Jesus gently took his hand and raised him to his feet, and he stood up. |
(0.70851336898396) | Mar 14:46 | Then they took hold of him 1 and arrested him. |
(0.70851336898396) | Mar 14:51 | A young man was following him, wearing only a linen cloth. They tried to arrest him, |
(0.70851336898396) | Luk 8:54 | But Jesus 1 gently took her by the hand and said, 2 “Child, get up.” |
(0.70851336898396) | Luk 24:16 |
(0.70851336898396) | Act 24:6 | He 1 even tried to desecrate 2 the temple, so we arrested 3 him. |
(0.70851336898396) | Rev 2:15 | In the same way, there are also some among you who follow the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 1 |
(0.70851336898396) | Rev 2:25 | However, hold on to what you have until I come. |
(0.70851336898396) | Rev 3:11 | I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have so that no one can take away 1 your crown. 2 |
(0.6199492513369) | Mat 9:25 | But when the crowd had been put outside, he went in and gently took her by the hand, and the girl got up. |
(0.6199492513369) | Mar 1:31 | He came and raised her up by gently taking her hand. Then the fever left her and she began to serve 1 them. |
(0.6199492513369) | Mar 9:10 | They kept this statement to themselves, discussing what this rising from the dead meant. |
(0.6199492513369) | Act 27:13 | When a gentle south wind sprang up, they thought 1 they could carry out 2 their purpose, so they weighed anchor 3 and sailed close along the coast 4 of Crete. |
(0.6199492513369) | 2Th 2:15 | Therefore, brothers and sisters, 1 stand firm and hold on to the traditions that we taught you, whether by speech or by letter. 2 |