(0.99975333333333) | Rom 1:5 | Through him<n id="1" /> we have received grace and our apostleship<n id="2" /> to bring about the obedience<n id="3" /> of faith<n id="4" /> among all the Gentiles on behalf of his name. |
(0.96437212121212) | Rom 6:16 | Do you not know that if you present yourselves<n id="1" /> as obedient slaves,<n id="2" /> you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or obedience resulting in righteousness?<n id="3" /> |
(0.96437212121212) | Rom 15:18 | For I will not dare to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in order to bring about the obedience<n id="1" /> of the Gentiles, by word and deed, |
(0.96437212121212) | Rom 16:26 | but now is disclosed, and through the prophetic scriptures has been made known to all the nations, according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith 8211; |