(0.99919239740821) | Num 10:21 | And the Kohathites set out, carrying the articles for the sanctuary; 1 the tabernacle was to be set up 2 before they arrived. 3 |
(0.99919239740821) | Num 18:29 | From all your gifts you must offer up every raised offering due 1 the Lord, from all the best of it, and the holiest part of it.’ 2 |
(0.88306904967603) | Num 3:38 | But those who were to camp in front of the tabernacle on the east, in front of the tent of meeting, were Moses, Aaron, 1 and his sons. They were responsible for the needs 2 of the sanctuary and for the needs of the Israelites, but the unauthorized person who approached was to be put to death. |
(0.88306904967603) | Num 18:1 |
(0.88306904967603) | Num 19:20 | But the man who is unclean and does not purify himself, that person must be cut off from among the community, because he has polluted the sanctuary of the Lord; the water of purification was not sprinkled on him, so he is unclean. |