(1.0002680454545) | Jer 31:21 | <p class="poetry">I will say,<n id="1" /> 8216;My dear children of Israel,<n id="2" /> keep in mindp> <p class="poetry">the road you took when you were carried off.<n id="3" />p> <p class="poetry">Mark off in your minds the landmarks.p> <p class="poetry">Make a mental note of telltale signs marking the way back.p> <p class="poetry">Return, my dear children of Israel.p> <p class="poetry">Return to these cities of yours.p> |
(1.0002680454545) | Eze 39:15 | When the scouts survey<n id="1" /> the land and see a human bone, they will place a sign by it, until those assigned to burial duty have buried it<n id="2" /> in the valley of Hamon-Gog. |
(0.80021445454545) | 2Ki 23:17 | He asked, 8220;What is this grave marker I see?8221; The men from the city replied, 8220;It8217;s the grave of the prophet<n id="1" /> who came from Judah and foretold these very things you have done to the altar of Bethel.8221; |