(1.0001773879142) | 1Sa 1:6 | Her rival wife used to upset her and make her worry,<n id="1" /> for the <sc>Lordsc> had not enabled her to have children. |
(0.93401161793372) | 1Sa 2:10 | <p class="poetry">The <sc>Lordsc> shatters<n id="1" /> his adversaries;<n id="2" />p> <p class="poetry">he thunders against them from<n id="3" /> the heavens.p> <p class="poetry">The <sc>Lordsc> executes judgment to the ends of the earth.p> <p class="poetry">He will strengthen<n id="4" /> his kingp> <p class="poetry">and exalt the power<n id="5" /> of his anointed one.8221;<n id="6" />p> |
(0.86784586744639) | 1Sa 7:10 | <p class="bodytext">As Samuel was offering burnt offerings, the Philistines approached to do battle with Israel.<n id="1" /> But on that day the <sc>Lordsc> thundered loudly against the Philistines. He caused them to panic, and they were defeated by<n id="2" /> Israel. |