(1.0001741666667) | Exo 6:12 | But Moses replied to<n id="1" /> the <sc>Lordsc>, 8220;If the Israelites did not listen to me, then<n id="2" /> how will Pharaoh listen to me, since<n id="3" /> I speak with difficulty?8221;<n id="4" />p> |
(1.0001741666667) | Exo 19:5 | And now, if you will diligently listen to me<n id="1" /> and keep<n id="2" /> my covenant, then you will be my<n id="3" /> special possession<n id="4" /> out of all the nations, for all the earth is mine, |
(1.0001741666667) | Exo 22:23 | If you afflict them<n id="1" /> in any way<n id="2" /> and they cry to me, I will surely hear<n id="3" /> their cry, |
(1.0001741666667) | Exo 23:22 | But if you diligently obey him<n id="1" /> and do all that I command, then I will be an enemy to your enemies, and I will be an adversary to your adversaries. |
(0.99826860465116) | Exo 15:14 | <p class="poetry">The nations will hear<n id="1" /> and tremble;p> <p class="poetry">anguish<n id="2" /> will seize<n id="3" /> the inhabitants of Philistia.p> |
(0.99826860465116) | Exo 18:24 | <p class="bodytext">Moses listened to<n id="1" /> his father-in-law and did everything he had said. |
(0.97145434108527) | Exo 6:30 | But Moses said before the <sc>Lordsc>, 8220;Since I speak with difficulty,<n id="1" /> why should Pharaoh listen to me?8221;p> |
(0.97145434108527) | Exo 7:13 | Yet Pharaoh8217;s heart became hard,<n id="1" /> and he did not listen to them, just as the <sc>Lordsc> had predicted.p> |
(0.97145434108527) | Exo 32:17 | When Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted,<n id="1" /> he said to Moses, 8220;It is the sound of war in the camp!8221; |
(0.97145434108527) | Exo 33:4 | <p class="bodytext">When the people heard this troubling word<n id="1" /> they mourned;<n id="2" /> no one put on his ornaments. |
(0.96225310077519) | Exo 15:26 | He said, 8220;If you will diligently obey<n id="1" /> the <sc>Lordsc> your God, and do what is right<n id="2" /> in his sight, and pay attention<n id="3" /> to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, then all<n id="4" /> the diseases<n id="5" /> that I brought on the Egyptians I will not bring on you, for I, the <sc>Lord,sc> am your healer.8221;<n id="6" />p> |
(0.94464) | Exo 2:24 | God heard their groaning,<n id="1" /> God remembered<n id="2" /> his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob, |
(0.94464) | Exo 3:7 | <p class="bodytext">The <sc>Lordsc> said, 8220;I have surely seen<n id="1" /> the affliction of my people who are in Egypt. I have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows.<n id="2" /> |
(0.94464) | Exo 4:1 | <t /><n id="1" /><p class="bodytext">Moses answered again,<n id="2" /> 8220;And if<n id="3" /> they do not believe me or pay attention to me,<n id="4" /> but say, 8216;The <sc>Lordsc> has not appeared to you8217;?8221; |
(0.94464) | Exo 4:8 | 8220;If<n id="1" /> they do not believe you or pay attention to<n id="2" /> the former sign, then they may<n id="3" /> believe the latter sign.<n id="4" /> |
(0.94464) | Exo 4:31 | and the people believed. When they heard<n id="1" /> that the <sc>Lordsc> had attended to<n id="2" /> the Israelites and that he had seen their affliction, they bowed down close to the ground.<n id="3" />p> |
(0.94464) | Exo 6:5 | I<n id="1" /> have also heard<n id="2" /> the groaning of the Israelites, whom the Egyptians are enslaving,<n id="3" /> and I have remembered my covenant.<n id="4" /> |
(0.94464) | Exo 6:9 | <n id="1" /><p class="bodytext">Moses told this<n id="2" /> to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him<n id="3" /> because of their discouragement<n id="4" /> and hard labor. |
(0.94464) | Exo 7:16 | Tell him, 8216;The <sc>Lordsc>, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to you to say,<n id="1" /> 8220;Release my people, that they may serve me<n id="2" /> in the desert!8221; But until now<n id="3" /> you have not listened.<n id="4" /> |
(0.94464) | Exo 7:22 | But the magicians of Egypt did the same<n id="1" /> by their secret arts, and so<n id="2" /> Pharaoh8217;s heart remained hard,<n id="3" /> and he refused to listen to Moses and Aaron<n id="4" /> 8211; just as the <sc>Lordsc> had predicted. |