(1.0004729338843) | Jer 8:8 | <p class="poetry">How can you say, 8220;We are wise!p> <p class="poetry">We have the law of the <sc>Lordsc>8221;?p> <p class="poetry">The truth is,<n id="1" /> those who teach it<n id="2" /> have used their writingsp> <p class="poetry">to make it say what it does not really mean.<n id="3" />p> |
(0.9968098553719) | Jer 5:2 | <p class="poetry">These people make promises in the name of the <sc>Lordsc>.<n id="1" />p> <p class="poetry">But the fact is,<n id="2" /> what they swear to is really a lie.8221;<n id="3" />p> |
(0.94526756198347) | Jer 3:23 | <p class="poetry">We know our noisy worship of false godsp> <p class="poetry">on the hills and mountains did not help us.<n id="1" />p> <p class="poetry">We know that the <sc>Lordsc> our Godp> <p class="poetry">is the only one who can deliver Israel.<n id="2" />p> |
(0.94526756198347) | Jer 7:8 | <p class="bodytext">8220;8216;But just look at you!<n id="1" /> You are putting your confidence in a false belief<n id="2" /> that will not deliver you.<n id="3" /> |
(0.94526756198347) | Jer 13:25 | <p class="poetry">This is your fate,p> <p class="poetry">the destiny to which I have appointed you,p> <p class="poetry">because you have forgotten mep> <p class="poetry">and have trusted in false gods.p> |
(0.94526756198347) | Jer 23:25 | <p class="bodytext">The <sc>Lordsc> says,<n id="1" /> 8220;I have heard what those prophets who are prophesying lies in my name are saying. They are saying, 8216;I have had a dream! I have had a dream!8217;<n id="2" /> |
(0.94526756198347) | Jer 23:26 | Those prophets are just prophesying lies. They are prophesying the delusions of their own minds.<n id="1" /> |
(0.94526756198347) | Jer 29:9 | They are prophesying lies to you and claiming my authority to do so.<n id="1" /> But I did not send them. I, the <sc>Lordsc>, affirm it!8217;<n id="2" />p> |
(0.92758107438017) | Jer 14:14 | <p class="bodytext">Then the <sc>Lordsc> said to me, 8220;Those prophets are prophesying lies while claiming my authority!<n id="1" /> I did not send them. I did not commission them.<n id="2" /> I did not speak to them. They are prophesying to these people false visions, worthless predictions,<n id="3" /> and the delusions of their own mind. |
(0.92758107438017) | Jer 23:32 | I, the <sc>Lordsc>, affirm<n id="1" /> that I am opposed to those prophets who dream up lies and report them. They are misleading my people with their reckless lies.<n id="2" /> I did not send them. I did not commission them. They are not helping these people at all.<n id="3" /> I, the <sc>Lordsc>, affirm it!8221;<n id="4" />p> |
(0.89372520661157) | Jer 3:10 | In spite of all this,<n id="1" /> Israel8217;s sister, unfaithful Judah, has not turned back to me with any sincerity; she has only pretended to do so,8221;<n id="2" /> says the <sc>Lordsc>. |
(0.89372520661157) | Jer 5:31 | <p class="poetry">The prophets prophesy lies.p> <p class="poetry">The priests exercise power by their own authority.<n id="1" />p> <p class="poetry">And my people love to have it this way.p> <p class="poetry">But they will not be able to help you when the time of judgment comes!<n id="2" />p> |
(0.89372520661157) | Jer 6:13 | <p class="poetry">8220;That is because, from the least important to the most important of them,p> <p class="poetry">all of them are greedy for dishonest gain.p> <p class="poetry">Prophets and priests alike,p> <p class="poetry">all of them practice deceit.p> |
(0.89372520661157) | Jer 7:4 | Stop putting your confidence in the false belief that says,<n id="1" /> 8220;We are safe!<n id="2" /> The temple of the <sc>Lordsc> is here! The temple of the <sc>Lordsc> is here! The temple of the <sc>Lordsc> is here!8221;<n id="3" /> |
(0.89372520661157) | Jer 7:9 | You steal.<n id="1" /> You murder. You commit adultery. You lie when you swear on oath. You sacrifice to the god Baal. You pay allegiance to<n id="2" /> other gods whom you have not previously known. |
(0.89372520661157) | Jer 9:5 | <p class="poetry">One friend deceives anotherp> <p class="poetry">and no one tells the truth.p> <p class="poetry">These people have trained themselves<n id="1" /> to tell lies.p> <p class="poetry">They do wrong and are unable to repent.p> |
(0.89372520661157) | Jer 10:14 | <p class="poetry">All these idolaters<n id="1" /> will prove to be stupid and ignorant.p> <p class="poetry">Every goldsmith will be disgraced by the idol he made.p> <p class="poetry">For the image he forges is merely a sham.<n id="2" />p> <p class="poetry">There is no breath in any of those idols.<n id="3" />p> |
(0.89372520661157) | Jer 27:10 | Do not listen to them,<n id="1" /> because their prophecies are lies.<n id="2" /> Listening to them will only cause you<n id="3" /> to be taken far away from your native land. I will drive you out of your country and you will die in exile.<n id="4" /> |
(0.89372520661157) | Jer 27:14 | Do not listen to the prophets who are telling you that you do not need to serve<n id="1" /> the king of Babylon. For they are prophesying lies to you. |
(0.89372520661157) | Jer 27:15 | For I, the <sc>Lordsc>, affirm<n id="1" /> that I did not send them. They are prophesying lies to you. If you<n id="2" /> listen to them, I will drive you and the prophets who are prophesying lies out of the land and you will all die in exile.8221;<n id="3" />p> |