(0.014392303636364) | 2Co 1:17 | Therefore when I was planning to do this, I did not do so without thinking about what I was doing, did I? 1 Or do I make my plans 2 according to mere human standards 3 so that I would be saying 4 both “Yes, yes” and “No, no” at the same time? |
(0.014392303636364) | 2Co 8:10 | So here is my opinion on this matter: It is to your advantage, since you 1 made a good start last year both in your giving and your desire to give, |
(0.014392303636364) | 2Co 8:14 | At the present time, your abundance will meet their need, 1 so that one day their abundance may also meet your need, and thus there may be equality, |
(0.014392303636364) | 2Co 13:2 | I said before when I was present the second time and now, though absent, I say again to those who sinned previously and to all the rest, that if I come again, I will not spare anyone, 1 |
(0.014392303636364) | Phi 2:25 | But for now 1 I have considered it necessary to send Epaphroditus to you. For he is my brother, 2 coworker and fellow soldier, and your messenger 3 and minister 4 to me in my need. 5 |
(0.014392303636364) | Col 2:1 | For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you, 1 and for those in Laodicea, and for those who have not met me face to face. 2 |
(0.014392303636364) | 1Th 4:17 | Then we who are alive, who are left, 1 will be suddenly caught up 2 together 3 with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. |
(0.014392303636364) | 2Th 1:10 | when he comes to be glorified among his saints and admired 1 on that day among all who have believed – and you did in fact believe our testimony. 2 |
(0.014392303636364) | Tit 1:5 |
(0.014392303636364) | Tit 3:8 |
(0.014392303636364) | Heb 11:8 | By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place he would later receive as an inheritance, and he went out without understanding where he was going. |
(0.014392303636364) | Heb 11:16 | But as it is, 1 they aspire to a better land, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. |
(0.014392303636364) | Jam 2:3 | do you pay attention to the one who is finely dressed and say, 1 “You sit here in a good place,” 2 and to the poor person, “You stand over there,” or “Sit on the floor”? 3 |
(0.014392303636364) | Jam 2:18 | But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” 1 Show me your faith without works and I will show you faith by 2 my works. |
(0.014392303636364) | Jam 4:2 | You desire and you do not have; you murder and envy and you cannot obtain; you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask; |
(0.014392303636364) | 1Pe 2:6 | For it says 1 in scripture, “Look, I lay in Zion a stone, a chosen and priceless cornerstone, 2 and whoever believes 3 in him 4 will never 5 be put to shame.” 6 |
(0.014392303636364) | 1Pe 3:18 | 1 Because Christ also suffered 2 once for sins, the just for the unjust, 3 to bring you to God, by being put to death in the flesh but 4 by being made alive in the spirit. 5 |
(0.014392303636364) | 2Pe 1:17 | For he received honor and glory from God the Father, when that 1 voice was conveyed to him by the Majestic Glory: “This is my dear Son, in whom I am delighted.” 2 |
(0.014392303636364) | 1Jo 2:7 | Dear friends, I am not writing a new commandment to you, but an old commandment which you have had from the beginning. 1 The old commandment is the word that you have already 2 heard. |
(0.014392303636364) | 1Jo 2:8 | On the other hand, I am writing a new commandment to you which is true in him 1 and in you, because 2 the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining. 3 |