(0.42748075) | Joh 6:50 | This 1 is the bread that has come down from heaven, so that a person 2 may eat from it and not die. |
(0.42748075) | Joh 7:4 | For no one who seeks to make a reputation for himself 1 does anything in secret. 2 If you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.” |
(0.42748075) | Joh 7:17 | If anyone wants to do God’s will, 1 he will know about my teaching, whether it is from God or whether I speak from my own authority. 2 |
(0.42748075) | Joh 8:25 | So they said to him, “Who are you?” Jesus replied, 1 “What I have told you from the beginning. |
(0.42748075) | Joh 8:51 | I tell you the solemn truth, 1 if anyone obeys 2 my teaching, 3 he will never see death.” 4 |
(0.42748075) | Joh 9:31 | We know that God doesn’t listen to 1 sinners, but if anyone is devout 2 and does his will, God 3 listens to 4 him. 5 |
(0.42748075) | Joh 10:9 | I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and will come in and go out, 1 and find pasture. 2 |
(0.42748075) | Joh 10:28 | I give 1 them eternal life, and they will never perish; 2 no one will snatch 3 them from my hand. |
(0.42748075) | Joh 11:37 | But some of them said, “This is the man who caused the blind man to see! 1 Couldn’t he have done something to keep Lazarus 2 from dying?” |
(0.42748075) | Joh 11:49 | Then one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said, 1 “You know nothing at all! |
(0.42748075) | Joh 11:57 | (Now the chief priests and the Pharisees 1 had given orders that anyone who knew where Jesus 2 was should report it, so that they could arrest 3 him.) 4 |
(0.42748075) | Joh 13:20 | I tell you the solemn truth, 1 whoever accepts 2 the one I send accepts me, and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.” 3 |
(0.42748075) | Joh 14:13 | And I will do whatever you ask in my name, 1 so that the Father may be glorified 2 in the Son. |
(0.42748075) | Joh 16:30 | Now we know that you know everything 1 and do not need anyone 2 to ask you anything. 3 Because of this 4 we believe that you have come from God.” |
(0.42748075) | Act 4:34 | For there was no one needy 1 among them, because those who were owners of land or houses were selling 2 them 3 and bringing the proceeds from the sales |
(0.42748075) | Act 5:2 | He 1 kept back for himself part of the proceeds with his wife’s knowledge; he brought 2 only part of it and placed it at the apostles’ feet. |
(0.42748075) | Act 5:15 | Thus 1 they even carried the sick out into the streets, and put them on cots and pallets, so that when Peter came by at least his shadow would fall on some of them. |
(0.42748075) | Act 5:34 | But a Pharisee 1 whose name was Gamaliel, 2 a teacher of the law who was respected by all the people, stood up 3 in the council 4 and ordered the men to be put outside for a short time. |
(0.42748075) | Act 6:9 | But some men from the Synagogue 1 of the Freedmen (as it was called), 2 both Cyrenians and Alexandrians, as well as some from Cilicia and the province of Asia, 3 stood up and argued with Stephen. |
(0.42748075) | Act 8:31 | The man 1 replied, “How in the world can I, 2 unless someone guides me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. |