(0.36157578333333) | Luk 12:41 | Then 1 Peter said, “Lord, are you telling this parable for us or for everyone?” 2 |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 12:52 | For from now on 1 there will be five in one household divided, three against two and two against three. |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 13:12 | When 1 Jesus saw her, he called her to him 2 and said, “Woman, 3 you are freed 4 from your infirmity.” 5 |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 13:18 |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 13:24 | “Exert every effort 1 to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 13:27 | But 1 he will reply, 2 ‘I don’t know where you come from! 3 Go away from me, all you evildoers!’ 4 |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 14:14 | Then 1 you will be blessed, 2 because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid 3 at the resurrection of the righteous.” |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 14:16 | But Jesus 1 said to him, “A man once gave a great banquet 2 and invited 3 many guests. 4 |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 14:27 | Whoever does not carry his own cross 1 and follow 2 me cannot be my disciple. |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 14:29 | Otherwise, 1 when he has laid 2 a foundation and is not able to finish the tower, 3 all who see it 4 will begin to make fun of 5 him. |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 15:14 | Then 1 after he had spent everything, a severe famine took place in that country, and he began to be in need. |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 15:28 | But the older son 1 became angry 2 and refused 3 to go in. His father came out and appealed to him, |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 15:31 | Then 1 the father 2 said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and everything that belongs to me is yours. |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 16:12 | And if you haven’t been trustworthy 1 with someone else’s property, 2 who will give you your own 3 ? |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 16:17 | But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tiny stroke of a letter 1 in the law to become void. 2 |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 17:3 | Watch 1 yourselves! If 2 your brother 3 sins, rebuke him. If 4 he repents, forgive him. |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 17:12 | As 1 he was entering 2 a village, ten men with leprosy 3 met him. They 4 stood at a distance, |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 17:23 | Then people 1 will say to you, ‘Look, there he is!’ 2 or ‘Look, here he is!’ Do not go out or chase after them. 3 |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 18:2 | He said, 1 “In a certain city 2 there was a judge 3 who neither feared God nor respected people. 4 |
(0.36157578333333) | Luk 18:10 | “Two men went up 1 to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee 2 and the other a tax collector. 3 |