(0.95473827722772) | Act 15:29 | that you abstain from meat that has been sacrificed to idols 1 and from blood and from what has been strangled 2 and from sexual immorality. 3 If you keep yourselves from doing these things, 4 you will do well. Farewell. 5 |
(0.95473827722772) | Act 17:12 | Therefore many of them believed, along with quite a few 1 prominent 2 Greek women and men. |
(0.95473827722772) | Act 20:30 | Even from among your own group 1 men 2 will arise, teaching perversions of the truth 3 to draw the disciples away after them. |
(0.95473827722772) | Act 27:22 | And now I advise 1 you to keep up your courage, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only the ship will be lost. 2 |
(0.95473827722772) | Act 27:29 | Because they were afraid 1 that we would run aground on the rocky coast, 2 they threw out 3 four anchors from the stern and wished 4 for day to appear. 5 |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 1:18 | (Now this man Judas 1 acquired a field with the reward of his unjust deed, 2 and falling headfirst 3 he burst open in the middle and all his intestines 4 gushed out. |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 2:2 | Suddenly 1 a sound 2 like a violent wind blowing 3 came from heaven 4 and filled the entire house where they were sitting. |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 2:25 | For David says about him, ‘I saw the Lord always in front of me, 1 for he is at my right hand so that I will not be shaken. |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 2:30 | So then, because 1 he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to seat one of his descendants 2 on his throne, 3 |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 2:34 | For David did not ascend into heaven, but he himself says, ‘The Lord said to my lord, “Sit 1 at my right hand |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 3:15 | You killed 1 the Originator 2 of life, whom God raised 3 from the dead. To this fact we are witnesses! 4 |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 6:3 | But carefully select from among you, brothers, 1 seven 2 men who are well-attested, 3 full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge 4 of this necessary task. 5 |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 6:9 | But some men from the Synagogue 1 of the Freedmen (as it was called), 2 both Cyrenians and Alexandrians, as well as some from Cilicia and the province of Asia, 3 stood up and argued with Stephen. |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 7:3 | and said to him, ‘Go out from your country and from your relatives, and come to the land I will show you.’ 1 |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 7:37 | This is the Moses who said to the Israelites, 1 ‘God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers.’ 2 |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 7:55 | But Stephen, 1 full 2 of the Holy Spirit, looked intently 3 toward heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing 4 at the right hand of God. |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 7:56 | “Look!” he said. 1 “I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 10:45 | The 1 circumcised believers 2 who had accompanied Peter were greatly astonished 3 that 4 the gift of the Holy Spirit 5 had been poured out 6 even on the Gentiles, |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 11:20 | But there were some men from Cyprus 1 and Cyrene 2 among them who came 3 to Antioch 4 and began to speak to the Greeks 5 too, proclaiming the good news of the Lord Jesus. |
(0.93971663366337) | Act 13:21 | Then they asked for a king, and God gave them Saul son of Kish, a man from the tribe of Benjamin, who ruled 1 forty years. |