(0.74858040322581) | Heb 11:23 | By faith, when Moses was born, his parents hid him 1 for three months, because they saw the child was beautiful and they were not afraid of the king’s edict. |
(0.74858040322581) | Rev 5:1 |
(0.74858040322581) | Rev 5:2 | And I saw a powerful angel proclaiming in a loud voice: “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to break its seals?” |
(0.74858040322581) | Rev 10:5 | Then 1 the angel I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven |
(0.74858040322581) | Rev 13:11 | Then 1 I saw another beast 2 coming up from the earth. He 3 had two horns like a lamb, 4 but 5 was speaking like a dragon. |
(0.74858040322581) | Rev 16:13 | Then 1 I saw three unclean spirits 2 that looked like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. |
(0.74858040322581) | Rev 18:1 |
(0.74858040322581) | Rev 20:1 |
(0.74858040322581) | Rev 21:1 |
(0.74858040322581) | Rev 21:2 | And I saw the holy city – the new Jerusalem – descending out of heaven from God, made ready like a bride adorned for her husband. |
(0.74858040322581) | Rev 21:22 | Now 1 I saw no temple in the city, because the Lord God – the All-Powerful 2 – and the Lamb are its temple. |
(0.62381697580645) | Mat 2:9 | After listening to the king they left, and once again 1 the star they saw when it rose 2 led them until it stopped above the place where the child was. |
(0.62381697580645) | Mat 2:11 | As they came into the house and saw the child with Mary his mother, they bowed down 1 and worshiped him. They opened their treasure boxes and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, 2 and myrrh. 3 |
(0.62381697580645) | Mar 9:9 | As they were coming down from the mountain, he gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. |
(0.62381697580645) | Luk 9:32 | Now Peter and those with him were quite sleepy, 1 but as they became fully awake, 2 they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. |
(0.62381697580645) | Luk 19:37 | As he approached the road leading down from 1 the Mount of Olives, 2 the whole crowd of his 3 disciples began to rejoice 4 and praise 5 God with a loud voice for all the mighty works 6 they had seen: 7 |
(0.62381697580645) | Joh 1:48 | Nathanael asked him, “How do you know me?” Jesus replied, 1 “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, 2 I saw you.” |
(0.62381697580645) | Joh 18:26 | One of the high priest’s slaves, 1 a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, 2 said, “Did I not see you in the orchard 3 with him?” 4 |
(0.62381697580645) | Joh 19:6 | When the chief priests and their officers saw him, they shouted out, “Crucify 1 him! Crucify him!” 2 Pilate said, 3 “You take him and crucify him! 4 Certainly 5 I find no reason for an accusation 6 against him!” |
(0.62381697580645) | Act 7:34 | I have certainly seen the suffering 1 of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their groaning, and I have come down to rescue them. 2 Now 3 come, I will send you to Egypt.’ 4 |